We offer group and one-on-one sessions, sport specific, wellness, nutrition and tailored programs to suit your needs. Not sure where to start? Contact us today for help figuring out which program fits best to match your desired goal.” top=”huge” bottom=”huge”][trx_columns count=”1″ margins=”” top=”large”][trx_column_item][trx_price_block style=”3″ title=”16 WEEK TRIATHLON TRANSFORMATION INTENSIVE” currency=””]
Train for your personal best, so you can swim, bike and run stronger and faster without injury in your next triathlon as well as, improve your nutrition and lifestyle for optimum energy and performance.
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”Face to face Evaluations for Swim, Bike (fit) and pedal stroke mechanics, Run, Strength/Mobility to assess strengths and limiters and skill level in each discipline.“][/trx_list_item]
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”Swim, Bike, and Run Metabolic Field Testing to create accurate individual training zones, so you know exactly how hard to train when- No More Guessing at intensity“][/trx_list_item]
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”Holistic Nutrition and lifestyle Essentials Program to complement your training and racing and prevent injury and burnout.“][/trx_list_item]
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”4-month Progressive Triathlon training program inside your Training Peaks account, specific to your goals and evaluations to improve strength and speed and achieve your next PR (Personal Record)“][/trx_list_item]
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”Mindset and mental skills training to uncover what’s holding you back.“][/trx_list_item]
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”6-10 Monthly Q&A group calls on zoom with coaches “][/trx_list_item]
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”Private What’s App Group with unlimited support and accountability from the best triathlon tribe in the world.“][/trx_list_item][/trx_list][trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”Unlimited Text and Email access to coaches.“][/trx_list_item]
[trx_list style=”iconed” icon=”icon-checkbox”][trx_list_item title=”Private What’s App and FB support group“][/trx_list_item][/trx_list][/trx_price_block][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][/trx_section]
Rockstar Triathletes
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From Grill Master To Triathlon Champion: 109 Burger Joint Owner Hooked After Jumping In The Pool
Coach’s Notes:
As a complete new comer to triathlon, Jose had the desire and followed his program to the letter to achieve amazing results. He barely missed a single training session in the 8 week beginner program and implemented all the training suggestions to cross the finish line strong after some tough windy wavy conditions in the Key West Triathlon! I am so proud of…