Are you SHIFTING me?

By Coach Erinne Guthrie I meet with a lot of cyclists on a weekly basis, some during one on one sessions and some during our weekly group rides, and I am always surprised by how little new and even experienced cyclists shift their gears. The gears on the bike are meant to be used and … [Read more…]

Turn Down the Volume

What’s up Runners and Triathletes? Have you signed up for your next 5k, 10k, 13.1 or 26.2?  It’s Running season! Most of the programs you are following right now teach you absolutely nothing about HOW to run. Instead, they have you turning up the volume of running, week after week despite your lack of energy … [Read more…]

Flip Turns – Summer Review

Flip Turns – Summer Review Although open water swimming and triathlons do not require the use of flip-turns, it is important to use them in the pool setting for a couple of reasons. Flip-turns add a challenging aerobic component to a workout. It’s like getting two workouts, for the price of one! Each flip-turn is … [Read more…]

Don’t Let This Be You!

It has been a great summer so far.  I was able to take a nice break to “WORK IN” a little at Green Turtle Abaco, Bahamas.  I  had big plans of getting 8 hours of sleep a night, running, open water swimming and yoga every day!!!  Well… not so much! The entire family got really … [Read more…]

Mental Skills; Do You Have What it Takes?

As many of my athletes are digging deep getting ready for some short course races here in south Florida I wanted to discuss mental skills and specifically short course racing and high intensity training.  Typically athletes racing short course will be pushing a higher intensity than those doing 70.3 or Ironman distance races.  It is … [Read more…]