One Comment

  1. Jesse Jimenez

    Thank you for the blog. again. This is a topic that I give much thought to. I have struggled with negative thoughts. I understand the connection between body, mind and spirit. Now that I am training for triathlon it is much more pronounced. I believe that my spiritual life will lead my mental and physical life. Life will happen. Ideal circumstances, environment and conditions are seldom in our control. My faith in my saviour is my rock. when my goals are in line with God’s will for my life the pieces fall into place. I am led to train for triathlon now, it is more than just a bug with me. Getting plugged into fullcircle coaching has been more than a coincidence. I am not clear exactly where my journey will take me, but God willing I will continue training and improving . My goal is to complete a full ironman triathlon with a respectable time. So far it looks like I’m on the right track. Thanks for the excellent coaching!

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