Suffering Meltdown?

What’s Up Triathletes? I hope everyone is surviving the heat!  I’ve had several athletes tell me about “MELT DOWN” on the workouts over the weekend. Here are some tips to implement to insure a solid training session despite the heat. Start earlier I know this can be more difficult on the weekends when we want … [Read more…]

Oops I did it again

Oops I Did it Again… by Coach Erinne Guthrie Does anyone else remember that Britney Spears song, or am I dating myself?  Anyway, that song was stuck in my head about a month ago when I was saying to myself, “OOPS! I did it again.”   I seemed to have re-injured my hamstring that was torn … [Read more…]

Power Via Nutrition

Do you know that you can create Blood Sugar balance every time you eat? All you have to do is have equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates and added good fats. For your smoothie please consider adding: Parsley, ½ Avocado and Hemp Hearts (4 tbsp = 20 G protein) Raw Greens powder (Where to buy) … [Read more…]

Are you burning fat

Are you metabolically efficient? And what does that mean anyway? Metabolic Efficiency is the body’s efficiency of utilizing endogenous stores of carbohydrate and fat at different intensities and durations of exercise AND at rest.  The ultimate goal is to burn more fat, and preserve carbohydrate stores.  At any given moment a person has internal fat … [Read more…]

Mind . Body . Balance . Meditation

Where Performance Meets Balance:  If you only train hard all the time, there will be a time where your body will tell you it has had enough. Here is one way I use and recommend to my athletes to ride the wave of working out and working “IN.” I know, I know many of you … [Read more…]

“Kaizen” One of Full Circle’s Core Values

Kaizen – Japanese for “improvement” or “change for the best,” refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement.  Setting goals, creating the plan to get there, following the plan and putting it all together on race day-This is how to reach your goals in triathlon- continuous, steady improvement!  You weren’t born swimming, biking … [Read more…]