Rock Star Training Tips: Are you in the Zone?

Are you using Training Zones to guide your training and racing?

If not, you are missing out on vital information to help you achieve your triathlon goals much more quickly.  Most triathletes spend 6-15 hours per week training.  You might as well have some focus and purpose for each and every workout so you can spend less time training, get better results and have a life outside of triathlon as well!  After a 4 to 6 week acclimitization period where you are getting the body used to training 4 to 6 times per week and working on skills in each sport, it is vital to perform some field and or lab tests to discover your training pace, heart rate and power zones.  Without these numbers you are guessing at where you should be spending time getting faster and most likely training in the “Black Hole” where many triathletes spend WAY to much of their time.

The black hole of training is the pace or speed where it feels hard but there is no real purpose to it.  By training in this zone you can only achieve a certain level of fitness.  To be able to get faster and stronger you need to spend time in all training zones in a periodized method to be able to peak for a specific race.  There are a myriad of different methods but picking one and sticking to it is the key.  Then if the results are achieved we know that it worked. If not we go back and look what was missing or needed and adjust and tweak and try again.  Every single athlete is different and it can take a little time to figure out the training zones that need the most work, but it is well worth it.


Swim: Pace tests for different distances (long course & short course), then train the paces specific to race distance with form work and speed work at specific times in the training cycle.
Bike: Lactate threshold field tests and or blood lactate tests, then train the most inefficient zones and zones specific to race distance.
Run: 5k and 10k races for field tests and or VO2 max or Blood Lactate testing, then train the zones specific to race distance.

After getting the results of the tests, we create the zones for training and then the periodized training plan to train certain zones for training blocks or set periods of weeks.  This is where it becomes an art and the better the communication between coach and athlete the better the coach can adjust the workouts and achieve the desired outcome.  This is what the upload function on Training Peaks and the Post Comments box in your workouts is for.  After you perform the work, you upload the results so your coach can analyze and see if you were successful. Then build upon success and keep moving forward.

Next Step:

We retest every 6 to 8 weeks, we tweak and adjust depending on the distance of the “A” race.  One of our motto’s is “Strong Before Long” and “Long is Wrong” even for my Ironman athletes! We prescribe minimalist training and specificity which will get you where you want to be much faster with less overuse injury and more power and strength!

Let us guide and coach you to success… Contact me today by email: to get started on setting up your zones for training.



Are you burning fat

Are you metabolically efficient? And what does that mean anyway?

Metabolic Efficiency is the body’s efficiency of utilizing endogenous stores of carbohydrate and fat at different intensities and durations of exercise AND at rest.  The ultimate goal is to burn more fat, and preserve carbohydrate stores.  At any given moment a person has internal fat stores = 80,000 calories+ (30,000 – 50,000 for lean athletes) and internal carbohydrate stores = 1,200-2,000 calories (size and gender dependent).  Which do you think is a better choice for endurance sports???  FAT!!!!

Why Metabolic Efficiency?

1. It decreases and eliminates risk of gastrointestinal distress (when your body is using your stored fat stores there is less of a need to fuel with sports nutrition during training, unless intensities get higher than zone 3 or longer than 2 hours).

2. Improves nutrient partitioning (save the carbohydrates for later).

3. Improves body weight and composition (potentially burn fat all the time at rest).

4. Improves health markers and chronic disease states (less sugar equals better health).


The test includes being hooked up to a metabolic cart that measures the exchange of O2 and CO2 during a step test on the treadmill or bike (see video of Gaston testing lactate MEP and VO2 Max).  The ratio of these two gases measured at 5 min intervals indicates whether you are burning fat or carbohydrate and this photo is an example of someone with an MEP (metabolic efficiency point).  After the test we modify nutrition and training to shift the crossover point to the right, (meaning faster paces).

From the tests we have already performed this year, I can tell you that some athletes did not even have an MEP and the others were at extremely low intensities.  This is because these individuals are consuming large amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates.  The good news is that you can make changes in nutrition and training to achieve an MEP after as little as 10 days and begin tapping into those fat stores, just as Gaston has in my example in the newsletter!

Are you ready to get tested?

Please contact me today to make your testing appointment and find out if you are metabolically efficient!

Coach Erinne / / 786-586-6057