Full Circle ROCKSTAR Triathlete Sebastian Jaramillo


Congratulations on being chosen a Full Circle ROCKSTAR Triathlete!

Age: 34

Profession: Chief Creative Junkie (Graphic Designer) at 5 Cents T-shirt Design

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

A friend told me Erinne and her team at FCC do a great job at developing the skills required to do an Ironman, which is what I started training for.

What is your “A” race for this season?

Ironman 70.3 Kona Hawaii (goal to finish with my dad), and Ironman 70.3 Cartagena (goal to beat my PR).

Please share your BIG goals:

Sportwise: Qualify to IM World Championship in Kona (I’m giving myself a good 10-15 years for that to happen), and lot’s of little big goals in between 🙂

Tell me about your successes so far:

In simple words, I work hard every single day at being better than who I was yesterday. That’s the key. Mind conditioning is probably the most important factor in this whole “bettering myself” journey I started 10 years ago. It started with my personal life, struggling to be the best dad I could to my daughters at a young age, then to running a successful business with the same principles, and now from a semi-healthy to healthier and fitter life style which has introduced me to a new set of goals that keeps me hungry. If you don’t believe you can do it, you wont. Getting in the right mind set is key… Not to mention the amazing group of people I’ve met through this triathlete journey that offer their support and knowledge, it makes it priceless. (you don’t have to put the whole thing) I’m just writing freely and unedited lol.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

-Being patience is key.

-Having discipline.

-and Knowledge. Understanding why, and how things work, specially with your body. Gotta stay injury free to progress 🙂

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?

Winning. You can beat the better you. Also the excitement started when my dad registered for an Ironman, and I decided to do it with him. So I hope to spend more time with him doing this fun sport.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

Just tri. Having FCC next to you in all workout sessions makes it easier to progress and fix any bad habits on the spot. It’s one of the reasons I decided to join.

Turn Down the Volume

What’s up Runners and Triathletes?

Have you signed up for your next 5k, 10k, 13.1 or 26.2?  It’s Running season!
Most of the programs you are following right now teach you absolutely nothing about HOW to run. Instead, they have you turning up the volume of running, week after week despite your lack of energy and niggling injuries. This is a sure recipe for disaster!

Can you imagine training all those weeks only to come up lame on race day because you only trained based on volume?

Running more does not always make you a better runner, especially if you have poor posture and have any imbalances in your core muscle strength and limited flexibility.  Who doesn’t have imbalances?  No one is perfectly balanced or symmetrical. 

After years of study and analysis it is becoming apparent that there is a better and smarter way to train for your next running race.

I invite you to join us on Sunday, October 11, 2015 for Run Essentials – We’ll meet at Coral Reef Park in Miami.  Click this LINK for details and registration – LEARN how you can avoid the status quo and do things differently this year!

Wishing you well!



PLAN Your Race & RACE Your Plan

PLAN Your Race & RACE Your Plan

This coming week is about getting mentally and physically prepared for race day. 

Not much fitness can be gained between now and Race Day on Sunday. 

I encourage all my athletes to write out a race plan.  Starting from Saturday morning before the race, to the end of the race and even post-race recovery strategies. 

I ask them to include everything they plan to do to prepare for the race, what they will  eat, how much sleep and any other important details.  It is all written out in a positive light, especially the race itself. 

After you have written it out you can close your eyes and visualize the race scenario exactly as you want it to go many times before the race start.  By positive I mean like this:   “I will start off to the side of the main swim pack and duck dive under the waves, repeating my mantra (reach for the buoy).  I will sight every 5 strokes to stay on course. If I get out of breath I will roll over on my back to breath for 5 breaths and roll back to swim, kick and breath.” 

Avoid the negative thoughts by thinking “I won’t get a flat and I won’t walk.”  Instead say “I will run the entire portion of the run course” or “I will change my flat quickly if it happens.” 

If you don’t know how to change a flat, get to the bike store this week and ask them to show you. It is very easy.  Also, check your bike tires for any gashes that could potentially lead to a flat.

Join the Nutrition Reset Live on Triathlon Obsessed, April 25-28th. Click HERE to save your spot!!

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program?
You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.