Have You Been Told These Lies About Swimming?

Have you heard these lies before?

“I’m not supposed to kick as a triathlete.”
“I need to save my legs for the bike and run.”

These lies are simply not true!

Your kick is an essential part of your freestyle swim that you cannot and must not leave out.

The secret is that you need to develop your kick 🦵 and make it efficient, so you don’t waste so much energy doing it!

Most triathletes have terrible balance in the water. 
Are you one of them?

This means you are swimming with your head up and your legs dragging. 

No wonder you are tired!

But it’s NOT from kicking; it’s from a lack of balance in the water and an inefficient kick. 

A good kick improves your balance, so you are not dragging your legs thru the water.

Three things to look and feel for in your freestyle kick.

1) Are you bending your knees too much instead of kicking from your hips?

Most triathletes often run and bike, so they are strong with their knees bent. However, to flutter kick well, you need to kick from your hips, keeping your knees mostly straight, with a whip-like motion from the hips. Ankles need to be supple and flexible too!

2) Are your heels breaking the surface of the water?

If not, then you are dragging your legs…

I use the analogy of a motor boat with the engine on but without enough power to get it up on a plane so it has less resistance and can glide through the water.

When flutter kicking correctly, your heels and ankles should lightly break the water’s surface- like a gentle boil. There should not be big huge splashes or your whole foot kicking the air. Instead, you need to keep your feet in the water kicking the water.

3) Are your ankles flexible and floppy so your foot can provide up-and-down propulsion in the water?

Getting a swim video analysis is the best way to witness your kick inefficiencies and learn to correct them.

Come learn how to kick correctly at my upcoming Swim Essentials Clinic for video analysis and 12 hours of coached swim training in the pool, open water, and online.

I am hosting a Swim Essentials Clinic February 17-18th…

If you are ready to start swimming the right way, now is the time to take charge of your swimming and learn my step-by-step process of learning how to swim the right way.

  • Swim-specific strength and mobility
  • The exact things you need to do with your head, hands, arms, legs
  • Stop swallowing a mouth full of water with every head turn to breathe.
  • No more anxiety and panic while you swim
  • How to conserve your energy

With my step-by-step program, you can guarantee improved swim performance and reach your desired swim goals. Assessing your current skills and setting clear performance goals will provide a roadmap for your training.

It’s an amazing opportunity to be in the water with our coaches and get hands-on instruction to power up your swim!


If you know Swim Essentials is for you, Send me an email at info@fullcirclecoaching.com to get on the waitlist!

Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of the 16-week Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.

Mastering The Miami Marathon: Tips For Insider Success

Mastering The Miami Marathon

Tips For Insider Success

Here are some quick tips you can apply this week and on race day to make it a great race.

#1. Rest During Race Week

I know you are concerned about losing fitness when you take rest days or easy days, but this is so untrue.

When you rest, you get stronger and faster because your body can recover, rebuild and assimilate all the training stress you have been applying to it over the last few weeks.

This doesn’t mean sitting on the couch and eating ice cream.

An easy week leading to the race means reduced overall volume and a few well-placed ORPS (Over Race Pace Sprints). See a sample week at the bottom of this blog…

#2. Eat for Success before, during, and after the race

Can you imagine driving your car without putting gas in it? How far do you think it would go? How fast?

Not very! That is my point.

Plan your pre-post and during the race nutrition NOW.

This one factor can throw all your hard work down the drain.

You can be the fastest, strongest runner out there, but if you don’t fuel up well, your body cannot deliver the performance you desire.

Why risk it? If you want some suggestions on pre-race meals, check out my blog, Top 3 Tried and True Pre-Race Breakfasts. This is highly individualized so stick to what you have used in training for your race and adjust slightly for higher performance on race day.

Always choose real food while not on the race course. As a healthful tip, too much sports nutrition is not healthy!

#3. Stretch

With reduced activity this week, you may be feeling a little tight. Break out the foam roller and get in the sauna and or hot tub and stretch your whole body a few times after your easy runs this week. 

#4. Write out a Race Plan and stick to it

A race plan is something I recommend, so you have a map to follow to guarantee success.

Write out everything you will do from Saturday morning when you wake up to Sunday after completing the race, including your race day goals.

This includes:

Eating meals that will support your race; complex carbohydrates, quality protein, and good fats.

  • What sports nutrition will you use during the race, and when to eat it
  • Warm-up training routine
  • Your goals for the race itself
  • Heart rate and pacing plans during the race and
  • Your recovery details post-race- (What’s your reward??)

This can be as detailed or simple as you like.

The important thing is to write out your goals in a positive light. 

Avoid statements like, “I hope I don’t quit.”

Instead, write, “I will run at my goal race pace from aid station to aid station,” or “I will hold 8:15 minute miles for my last 3 miles.”

You may also want to include any concerns about the race and write out your solutions to them in case they occur.

For example, if you are concerned about how to pace the bridges in the race. Pace yourself more gradually as you start the climb, so you have energy at the top of the bridge to run down with momentum and good form.

Or another example would be if you are worried about pacing yourself for your goal time, use an app that can create a pace chart to follow to help keep you following your plan toward your goal.

I like the program on this website –
Run Pace Chart

Then, I would include goal finishing times based on solid training paces and heart rates you know you can achieve, so you aren’t guessing your finishing time.  Then announce it to your friends and on social media!

#5. Sleep 

I know, you are superhuman and can get by on 5 hours of sleep a night; Wrong!!!

You are only fooling yourself.

Yes, you can do this a few days a week, but if you are consistently sleeping 5 hours or less a night, you are being less productive and sacrificing a good performance from your body and brain; the research is there.

I’m a big believer in putting science to the test. Get eight-plus hours of sleep for five nights in a row, and I guarantee you will feel superhuman even without caffeine!

#6. Get Your Race Packet Early

Pick up your packet early. Wear your compression socks, and browse the expo as you sip some organic coconut water. Then,  get off your feet.  Avoid the chaos.

#7. Mantras

Half and full marathons are long distances, and you can lose focus easily during the race.

Pick a few mantras to keep you present “in the moment” and focus on your breathing.

Some of my favorite mantras are:

“Fast Arms, Fast Feet”
“Quick Light Feet”
“I Got This”
“Right, Left, Right, Left”
“Fall Forward”

#8. Hit the port-o-potties before you start

There are lines of people for the bathrooms along the race course; avoid the wait by emptying your bowels before the race starts.

#9. Start with a Disposable Water bottle

So you can skip the lines at the first three aid stations. Add a pinch of natural sea salt or your favorite electrolytes. You can get to the aide stations farther down as it gets less crowded.

#10. Smile

Have fun and enjoy every second of this opportunity to race! Cheer your fellow runners, and be grateful for your awesome, strong, and successful body.

Now, have an awesome race!

I am wishing you all your best race 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻

Coach Erinne

BONUS: Sample Week Leading up to Race Day


Sleep in, stretch using a foam roller and write out your race plan; Put your race plan for the weekend and send it to your coach for feedback, and get a massage.


Start with a dynamic warm-up, an easy 20-40 minute run at your aerobic threshold (AE) (180 – age = heart rate average for this run).  In other words very easy! Include a few 4 x 1 min ORPS (over race pace sprints) slightly above your goal race pace. If you are just racing to finish, keep it steady and include a few pick-ups in intensity. Finish with a total body stretch and core routine specific to running.


Easy 45-minute swim or bike followed by total body foam roll and stretch. Visualize your entire race exactly as you want it to go and use all your senses and emotion of how it will feel to be out there running and crossing the finish line with your goal time. 


Similar to Tuesday


Day off, mental and physical prep; pick up your packet today.


Run race warm up 15-20 min, with 2-3 x 1 min ORPS. Stretch, compress and rest. Follow your nutrition plan for the day, and prepare for temperatures accordingly with layers.


Race Day, make it a great day.
Follow your plan, and don’t forget to SMILE and Enjoy!
You Got This!!!

If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching, call/text us at 786-586-6057 today, or better yet, click this link:  https://go.appointmentcore.com/book/umg5sS to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session. This is a complimentary 30-minute session to ask me anything about triathlon, health, and wellness, or holistic lifestyle/nutrition.

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, and much more.

Your Brain is Watching

Your Brain is Watching

When you resolve to do something, whether or not you actually follow through can have a profound impact both now and in the future.

You see, I believe that your brain is watching.

If you stick to what you set out to do – lose weight, write a book, run a marathon, complete an Ironman, Qualify for World Championships – your brain starts to believe in you more and more.

But when you don’t follow through, the opposite occurs.

Your brain subtly begins to doubt you and your commitments.

It becomes easier to make and believe excuses. It’s more likely that your ego will win, keeping you just where you are instead of progressing forward.

Would you prefer your brain believe in you and support you with the right thoughts and beliefs?

Or will you train it to doubt you, almost inevitably keeping you stuck on big and challenging goals?

As always, the choice is yours.

Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching, call us at 786-586-6057 today or click this link to schedule a complimentary triathlon strategy call

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

This Isn’t Your Year

This Isn’t Your Year

You know…so many people enter each new year thinking “This is it! This is MY year!”

But it’s really not about your year.

It’s about the fact that it’s all yours. Every year, every week, every day, and every moment.

I’ve seen so many memes shared on social media over the last couple of months that imply people are so ready to be done with 2023 because surely 2024 will bring something better.

And those memes appear every single year.

Here’s the deal: You can step up, take control, and shift the course of your life literally at any
moment you choose, whether January 1, April 22, or October 19.

So, if you never want to look back with regret on the actions you should have taken or how far along you’d be if you just acted sooner, change now.

Literally now.

Take a new action.

Recommit and start in this very moment.

Because no day of the week or year is the day you should be waiting for.

If you’re ready to take action now, the next right step is booking your FREE 30-Minute Triathlon Breakthrough Session with me: https://go.appointmentcore.com/book/umg5sS

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997, Member of Team USA and Competed in over 150 races.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Level 2 Master’s Swim Coach, Metabolic Efficiency Expert and Motivational Speaker, Mom,  and much much more.

How to Eliminate Excuses

How to Eliminate Excuses

When we were kids, we could find excuses for anything, right?

For not going to bed on time...
For fighting with siblings...
For not getting homework done...

As adults, we’ve learned to take responsibility for our actions and failures – at least most of the time. But there’s always a supply of excuses waiting within reach whenever we want to use one, including about our health and fitness. 

Your spouse, your kids, the traffic...
Your boss...
Your biorhythms...

On and on…

So how do we get rid of this childhood habit once and for all?

Here are some of my best ideas for eliminating excuses…

  1. Realize you’re only hurting yourself when you find a scapegoat. It doesn’t hurt the coach, your significant other, your doctor … anyone else.
  2. Let go of the persecution complex. Traffic doesn’t happen to just you. Everyone’s boss throws a wrench in their plans sometimes. Nobody “feels like it” all the time, even those who seem divinely motivated to make it look easy.
  3. Stop comparing yourself to others. It only sets you up to feel “less than” and not good enough, which undermines your motivation and negative self-talk.
  4. Seek inspiration from others who keep getting up every time they fall. This can be someone at work, a friend at the gym, or even a figure in fiction. 
  5. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses alike. Let’s say you’re good at getting to the gym on time, but you don’t work as hard as you want. OK – great! How can you build on that? Work out with a friend or trainer, take a group class, or meditate for a few moments before you walk in? What you don’t want to do: Tell yourself it’s someone else’s fault that you’re not quite hitting it.
  6. Scratch the surface. What’s underneath the need to make an excuse? Are you afraid of something? Feeling insecure or intimidated? Whatever it is, a little introspection can help identify the source, and from there, you’re closer to eliminating it.
  7. Repeat success. When something works for you, repeat it. Think about why – and how you can apply the lesson elsewhere.

I’d love for you to hit reply and let me know which tip is most helpful!

Want some guidance and support with this?
Check out my 6 week Nutrition Essentials Programyou can start today!
Have questions? Click here to schedule your FREE Nutrition Breakthrough Session Now!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

Use setbacks to strengthen your commitment

Use setbacks to strengthen your commitment

Life is hard sometimes.

You have so many responsibilities and so little time. Even when you stick to a schedule, circumstances can disrupt your plans and leave you scrambling. It’s enough to make you want to give up when everything seems to be working against you.

But don’t – please!

It happens to everyone. After all, there’s only so much we can control – and a whole universe of people, places and things that are simply beyond us. When you learn to EXPECT disruption, and to simply accept it as a fact of life, then you can begin to be free of it, and keep moving forward.

Here’s a super-basic example. If you leave 20 minutes ahead of time for any appointment. That would allow for traffic or another unexpected delay. If you arrived on time, you’d have a few minutes to kill; if the journey took longer than expected, you would still be on time.

I think about this little lesson all the time. It’s even easy to apply it to healthy goals.

For example, if you want to lose weight, then it’s not enough to start eating right. You also have to anticipate days when you won’t be able to, for whatever reason. Maybe you’re stuck in a work conference, or traveling, or just can’t resist your neighbor’s fried chicken today.

If you want to train for a triathlon then you have to accept that you’ll need rest days/ weeks, or adjustments to your training schedule. There might be bad weather. That you might have a family emergency that keeps you from completing your training.

Here’s my wish for you. When these circumstances happen – and they will – don’t abandon your goals.

Instead, remember that success takes consistent effort over time. And use each setback to strengthen the commitment you made to yourself.

It’s all in how you look at it!

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program?
You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of!
Click here to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! 

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

The 80/20 rule will help you maintain through the holidays

The 80/20 rule will help you maintain through the holidays

Have you heard of the 80/20 Rule? 

It’s a helpful idea to manage stress and time. It’s SUPER-helpful during the holidays when lots of us need help remembering what’s important, managing resources, and improving how we get things done.

Here’s what it says, in a nutshell: 80 percent of the outcomes in life come from 20 percent of the causes.

Put another way; we get the most results from a fraction of our efforts.

Put another way, don’t run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to do everything! It’s really not productive.

And I’m pointing this out during this hectic time of year because – it’s so easy to get overwhelmed and stressed by the holidays that we do run around like that unfortunate bird.

  • Because we accept as “URGENT” all those demands put on us by other people.
  • Because we have FOMO.
  • Because we don’t want to let people down.

So, take a moment… Breathe… And remember to focus your energy on the few things that will bring you the most happiness. Like exercising and training for triathlon! 😉

And might I remind you I live by this rule all year round!


Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.

Sick? Feel Better Quickly #2

Immune Boosting Protocol

At the first sign of illness – sore throat, feeling run down, low fever, and or sniffles, please take action immediately with some of my suggestions!

I am not a doctor, and don’t pretend to be one, so if you feel you need a doctor or hospital, please take care of yourself!

However, if you want some alternatives for feeling better, the items below are a list of what I personally use whenever I start to feel sick.

Of course, boosting your immune system by eating clean, getting good sleep, reducing stress, and living by my holistic lifestyle principles is important; sometimes, we need a little support.

Wellness Formula – If you’re feeling symptoms, you can take as many as 3/hour with lots of water or three capsules, 3x/day. Wellness Formula Capsules – take three daily for three weeks out of every month for improved immune boosting.
Source Naturals Wellness Formula Bio-Aligned Vitamins & Herbal Defense For Immune System Support – Dietary Supplement & Immunity Booster – 240 Capsules

Echinacea Plus Tea- drink as desired, a few cups a day, great for travel.

Sore Throat; Gaia Echinacea Throat Spray
Spray liberally in the throat several times a day- also great for canker sores.

Take an ampule of pellets under the tongue every 6 hours until symptoms subside. Do not combine with essential oils. Great for the whole family.

Sinus Symptoms;  Sinufix capsules and nasal spray
Take 2 capsules 2-3x/day and spray 2x/day
Capsules: https://amzn.to/3n4UMBS
Nasal Spray: https://amzn.to/3n4V3EU

On Guard Essential Oil throat lozenges

On Guard Oil
Kills bacteria and viruses and can be purchased as a throat spray or hand sanitizer. Put in a diffuser, great for travel (I usually have it in stock).

Breathe Essential oil
Rub on chest and bottoms of feet, place in a diffuser.

Clear Lung is great for coughs-

Nothing improves your immune system more than eating clean and living the 6-holistic lifestyle principles.

If you need support with your lifestyle and nutrition, please check out my Nutrition Essentials Program.

Or, set up a call with me by calling/texting me at 786-586-6057 today, or better yet, click this link: https://go.appointmentcore.com/book/umg5sS to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session to see if this program is for you!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.

5 Strategies for a guilt-free, waistline-friendly Thanksgiving

5 Strategies for a guilt-free, waistline-friendly Thanksgiving

Ah – the most wonderful time of the year is beginning! From Thanksgiving to Christmas the average person gains 7-10 pounds. We KNOW this, but we do it anyway. Most people do absolutely nothing to stop it. So why is this?

We tend to use special occasions as an excuse not just to overindulge but to binge. It’s your birthday (or the day after or the week of)? Cake for breakfast becomes perfectly reasonable. Halloween? A dozen mini chocolates? Totally acceptable (they’re mini after all, right?)!

The problem with this season is that there isn’t just one special occasion here and there. Between the DAY of the holiday itself, the numerous parties, work functions, and so on, many days become a special occasion where we apply the “anything goes rule.” What I’m sharing below are the tools I personally use to enjoy a guilt-free, waistline-friendly and healthy holiday season…

Approach Thanksgiving With An Abundance Mindset

This applies to any holiday really. The truth is, there is nothing truly special about holiday meals aside from the people we share them with. We live in a first world country where the foods we want are at our fingertips 365 days per year. So, in reality, you could have Thanksgiving in part or in whole at any time. When you approach food with an abundance mindset, it’s a lot easier to practice holiday levels of moderation.

Expect, Accept, and Embrace Over-Indulgence

It would be completely unreasonable for me to sit and lecture you on not over-indulging. Especially because I’ll likely be doing it myself! A key for me is being OK with it, not wracking myself with guilt because I knew it was coming! Heck…I plan on it – not to the extreme, but I’m not going to practice my normal rule of eating to 80% full. The damage stress does and the way it affects hormonal balance (and ultimately how much body fat we have) is far worse than having one big meal – so go enjoy it!

Fill Your Plate With Protein And Veggies First

Then add tastes of all the other goodies – I’m totally o.k. with you overdoing these two food groups (see point above). But when you strategically fill your plate with the better stuff, you’re obviously going to be better off. Even a plate of broccoli isn’t good for you when you’re in caloric excess, BUT it’s going to take you much longer and with much more food to reach that point when you maintain focus on protein and veggies with smaller tastes of starchy carb rich dishes and desserts.

Plan To Move

Whether you go for a hike with your family, get a hard strength workout, or simply take a 20 minute walk, vow to do something to get your body moving before or after the big meal! You’ll feel much better all day for it!

Splurge Only Once

A holiday is only one DAY…not an entire season, so this bit of advice is two-fold. Plan to splurge only on the actual DAY of the holiday (or whichever day you celebrate) and only once during that day. No need for a full breakfast, Thanksgiving meal, then another full plate of leftovers that evening. Sure, it tastes good, but you’ll feel completely miserable and be working to undo the damage for weeks to come!

So, there you have my top 5 Thanksgiving (or holiday in general) strategies! I promise if you apply these, you’ll be a lot less likely to end up in the category of people who gain weight over the holidays!

Wishing You Well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

P.S. If you’re looking for support staying on track through the holiday season…
I know we can help you take action, get motivated, and see it through to the finish line!
Just click here!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.

5 Ways to Get Unstuck!

5 Ways to Get Unstuck!

Ever feel like you’re giving your best effort and just not getting the results you want in any area of life?

Or maybe you feel like you just don’t have the motivation and drive right now to transform your body and your life.

If you’re feeling stuck, I’m here to help.

So, here are my top 5 ways you can get un-stuck:

  1. Focus on the next right move. If you focus on the big picture, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But by simply directing yourself to make the RIGHT decision (the one that brings you closer to your goal) in each moment will add up to big results that keep you motivated.
  2. Devise a reward strategy. If you make the changes you desire and reach your goals, how will you reward yourself (not with food!)? It could be something as big as a vacation or as small as a massage.
  3. Be real about the consequences of not changing. What are the bad things that will happen if you don’t achieve your goal? Let that sink in and drive you.
  4. Make “DO IT ANYWAY” your motto. When you’re ready to talk yourself out of exercising or cooking dinner, LIVE this motto. So often we get lost rationalizing poor choices in our heads. We have to do this to make accepting less than our best easier. Be aware of it and choose differently.
  5. Increase your accountability. A good way of doing this is to ask a friend to join you. A GREAT way to do this is to hire a coach who believes in you but NOT your excuses.

So, which of these resonates most with you? Any you haven’t attempted before?

And don’t forget – if you need help getting un-stuck, we’ve got your back here at FULL CIRCLE COACHING. Just let me know you’re ready text me at the number below. I’ll reach out to you and start the conversation right away.

Yours in Health,

Coach Erinne Guthrie

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

Help me keep our oceans clean!

Every year I host an online raffle to support Miami Waterkeeper – the most significant and fastest-growing nonprofit solely focused on clean water. They preserve and protect water by connecting local Waterkeeper groups worldwide.

When you show your support through purchasing raffle tickets, you’ll be entered to win free registration in my 14th Annual Ultimate Tri Camp in Clermont, FL!

Get Your Tickets Here!