A Rant: What is a Coach?

A Rant: What is a Coach?

There’s something I need to get off my chest.

In the world of internet marketing it seems the meaning of the term “coach” has turned into the OPPOSITE of the reason I got into coaching in the first place.

This is a bit of a rant so be prepared…

It seems that nowadays you can take a quick course online or sign up to be a distributor for certain products, and you are then slapped with the prestigious title of COACH.

And here’s why I am NOT ok with that…

To me, coaching implies a deep understanding of the subject matter in which you coach. It implies education, experience, and a significant investment of time and money when it comes to crafting your expertise.

A coach illuminates the path for a client’s success. They deeply understand and empathize with the feelings and desires of their client. They ask meaningful questions that allow the client to step into a new, higher-level of self.

So, is someone who distributes a product or who took a test online truly a coach? In my opinion, no.

Some people won’t like this message, and that’s o.k. It’s important for me to put this message out into the world though so that people cannot only make educated decisions on who to work with when they hire a coach, but also, so I can distinguish what I believe is one of the most honorable professions in the world.

Here at Full Circle Coaching, we have a team of TRUE expert coaches who have lived and breathed what we do for years.  Over 21 years to be exact!

If you’re looking for some support with learning how to swim, bike, run, stretch, get stronger, eat healthy, avoid injuries, and balance it all better, let us know so we can schedule some time to speak, use this link to set up your call today! http://www.scheduleyou.in/5ZIsVaU

Yours in health,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997 and is currently taking a recovery year after two consecutive years racing at Long and Short Course World Championships.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

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Please comment below and if you have any coaching questions please reach out to schedule a call or reach out on Social Media.

Growth and Change

Growth and Change

In order to grow, we must be willing to accept change in every area of life. And given that our brains are designed to resist and protect us from change, these choices must be conscious! Pay attention to the reasons “why not” your brain likes to trick you with and make those conscious decisions to accept change and do things differently.

Where are you on a scale of 1-10 in your willingness to accept change?

To determine where you are on the scales, you can consider:

– What are you willing to give up to get what you want?

– What are you willing to spend to get to where you want to be?

– Are you willing to let go of truths you might hold and see things from a different perspective?

The above combined with our willingness to accept change and our willingness to learn make up the Teach-ability Index.

Here’s the thing…

It’s OK if you’re not 10/10 on both scales!  We aren’t going to be there 100% of the time. It’s a place to strive to be because that’s where new levels of success are reached. Bringing consciousness to where you are will allow you to determine the actions you need to take and the ways in which you need to adjust your thoughts to move higher on the teach-ability index, the place that we have tremendous growth.
I’d love to know if you have questions about this or how it resonates.

Let’s talk, schedule a call NOW!

Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much, much more.

This Is Your Warning

This Is Your Warning

We all get this one opportunity to live our very best life.

When we don’t grow, love, take care of ourselves, and live to our potential, we are squandering this one amazing opportunity we’ve been granted.

Comfort, fear, and scarcity rob us of what’s possible unless we consciously choose otherwise.

I bring this to you today because what humans on their deathbed know is that REGRET is the most damaging thing.

So, look at your life today. If you had only moments left to live, is there anything you’d regret?

Did you have true fulfillment in your life?

If the answer would be no, it’s time to do something about it, to make a change.

If that “no” has anything to do with your health and body, I’d love to know more.
Please reply, and let me know what is coming up for you either way!


Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie


P.S. If this message moved you and you need to talk, click here, and I’ll be in touch with you right away or, text me at 786-586-6057.


When Your Race Sucked

What to do when your race sucked.

So you had a terrible race, now what?

This situation can be even more painful for a half  or full IRONMAN due to the amount of time and money invested to even just get to the starting line.

When the results turn out terrible, it’s time to take a real hard look at your training log over the previous 2-3 months leading up to the race. Now sometimes there are situations that are out of your control, like tacks on the road, bad weather etc. But you can usually prevent most of your races from going south.


You need to look and be honest with yourself. Did you really put in the volume and intensity that your training program called for? Did you do those hard intervals that your coach had in your Training Peaks? Did you hit the minimums for long course racing that include 3 swims, 3 bikes, 4 runs and 2 strength sessions per week? Did you train on similar terrain and conditions to your race?  Long course racing is no joke, and it’s hard for me to see my own athletes struggle on course as I watch my IM Tracker.


My goal as a coach is to actually make  training  a little bit  harder than the race will be so that you can handle all the race day stress and logistics; saying to yourself, “So that’s why she made me do 25 bridge repeats, etc.”

It takes a lot of mental and physical fortitude to toe the line at a triathlon (long course and short course)  believe it or not. You hear people talk about it like its no big deal. But, not everyone comes out of the womb swimming, biking and running!

If you have not been challenged and had to work hard to overcome set backs in your training, success on race day is unlikely. It’s really all about the journey and race day is the test. Did you do your homework? Most of the time all the reasons why your race sucked are right there in the training log, where you skipped that swim, bike, or run. Decided to take 10 days off instead of two, eat pizza and drink beer.

If you made the commitment to sign up for the triathlon race, you might as well do everything you can to get it right! Listen to your coach!

So now, I know you are super motivated to get it right next time! Recover well, write out the whole painful experience, so you can look back before your next race and remember not to let that happen again!!!!

Happy Racing!!!

Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne


If you can relate in any way, I invite you to link here and schedule a call with me today or, text me at 786-586-6057 to request an appointment.


Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

Time Isn’t The Issue

Time Isn’t The Issue

Here at FULL CIRCLE COACHING, we’ve most often seen TIME cited as the biggest challenge for people around sticking to a fitness and nutrition program.


But you see, time as the obstacle is simply a myth.


I get that you are busy. So is the rest of the world. And every person thinks they are simply the busiest one.


So, why is it that some people are able to make time for health and fitness and others are not?


Simply put, it’s an issue of priority.


It takes no more time to consume a healthy meal than an unhealthy one. And it takes simple rearrangement, scheduling, and commitment to make fitness happen.


You can pick up healthy fast food as quickly as unhealthy fast food.


When it comes to exercise, instead of saying “I don’t have time,” we should rather say “it’s not a priority for me right now.” Because that’s the more accurate and hard truth.


Take an honest look at yourself. Are you currently prioritizing fitness and nutrition or are you falling victim to the time excuse?


We’ve helped so many clients overcome this! Once you fall in love with what we do here at FULL CIRCLE COACHING, you see your body start to change, and you become part of our amazing community, you’ll always find the time!


Are you falling victim to time? Hit reply, and let me know so that I can give you some support!


Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne

If you can relate in any way, I invite you to link here and schedule a call with me today or, text me at 786-586-6057 to request an appointment.


Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

Why They Sabotage You

Why They Sabotage You

If you’ve ever been on a powerful mission to get healthier, eat better, and be consistent with your exercise routine, you may have noticed that certain friends and family aren’t in love with your new-found dedication.

And it’s not because they don’t love you. It’s because it’s hard for them to see you change.

Maybe they think you won’t be able to have as much fun because you’ll stop being as social. Maybe they’re irritated by your refusal to eat something they just baked. Maybe they’re upset that you declined Saturday morning mimosas in favor of hitting the gym.

I’m here to tell you that this is normal, that you can’t give into the pressure, and to

help you understand why this is happening.

First, when your decisions aren’t aligned with what they desire from you, people can get upset. But this isn’t about you, it’s about them. Hold your ground and lovingly explain WHY you’ve made your choices. It’s then up to them as to whether or not they choose to accept it.

Second, it holds up a mirror to them. It makes them consider their own shortcomings or failure to stick with routines or focus on healthy habits. This is very uncomfortable for people when they aren’t ready to receive it.

As a friend, lover, or family member, one of the best things you can do for others is take care of yourself and become the best version of YOU. The next best thing you can do is invite them along for the ride.

So, does this remind you of anyone in your life right now? Is there a conversation you need to have?

For those of you who are already working with us here at Full Circle Coaching, we want to make life easier on you and better for them. Bring him or her in for a workout with you. We promise to care for them and give them an amazing experience. And hopefully, we even give them an “aha moment” that gets them excited about pursuing goals similar to you.

If you’re training with us, hit reply and tell us a little bit about how this resonates (if it does), and if you aren’t training with us, we’d love to have you in for a free week/session. Just reply and let us know you’d like to take advantage of this. We’re here to support you and those you care about!

Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne

If you can relate in any way, I invite you to link here and schedule a call with me today or, text me at 786-586-6057 to request an appointment.

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

Don’t Practice Positive Thinking

Don’t Practice Positive Thinking

In his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker talks about positive thinking vs. power thinking. He is one of my favorite motivational speakers and authors.


Positive thinking is our default when we want to improve an area of our lives. We journal, recite affirmations, and work to build our positive thoughts. What Eker points out is that positive thinking implies that we accept our own thoughts as truth.


Instead, he suggests focusing on power thinking, which is an extension of positive thinking in that you are working to build your belief, but instead, you acknowledge that things only have meaning because we give them meaning.


You can attach a particular meaning to anything but that doesn’t mean it’s real.


For example, just because you’ve fallen off the wagon in your fitness and nutrition dozens of times doesn’t mean that you’re incapable of success. But that’s the meaning most people give it.


I bring this concept up in the hopes that the next time a situation arises where you feel “less than” or defeated that you stop and ask yourself “what meaning am I giving to this situation?”


By understanding this, you then have the power to change the meaning you assign for the better and propel yourself to new levels of commitment and success.


I’d love to know your thoughts on this!



Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne

If you can relate in any way, I invite you to link here and schedule a call with me today or, text me at 786-586-6057 to request an appointment.


Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

How to Succeed

In his book Eat that Frog, author Brian Tracey suggests tackling the biggest, hardest challenge you face each day first thing– this is the FROG.

For you, it may be a work project, a difficult conversation, or something else you’re potentially less than excited about.

If that challenge for you is getting your workout in, consider doing it first thing in the morning. And if you’re not a morning person, I get it. However, if morning is the only time you are guaranteed to get it done (with a little willpower when you hear your alarm clock), it’s something you should strongly consider. Science and physiology proves that cortisol levels are highest in the morning and you will have more energy for a better quality more productive workout in the morning. See this chart to show natural cortisol and melatonin hormones in a balanced body. The key is getting to bed early enough to get the minimum 7, preferable 8-9 hours of sleep.  This is also why I have all my training sessions in the morning!

Some of Tracey’s other recommendations are to spend a few minutes pre-planning each week and each day for maximum productivity. What we don’t realize is that a little bit of planning can literally save us hours and hours every week and help us get it all done when getting it all done feels nearly impossible.

So, how can you better plan each day and each week?

Do you need to consider your workouts as the FROG you eat each morning so that it’s out of the way?
Let me know your thoughts by replying!

Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

I invite you to link here and schedule a call with me today or,
text me at 786-586-6057 to request an appointment.

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997 and is currently taking a recovery year after two consecutive years racing at Long and Short Course World Championships.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

The Importance of Tribe

As long as humans have been in existence, being part of a tribe has been crucial.

Originally it was important for survival, as groups can protect one another and navigate challenges with much more ease than a single person.

In fact, many species of animals run in tribes.

But because we no longer fear attacks by wild animals, natural disasters (well sometimes with hurricanes) and starvation, tribes have come to play a different role in our lives.

However, they still serve similar purposes like protection and support… Or at least they should.

You see, too often in today’s world people have what I’ll call tribes by default. They don’t really choose who is in their tribe – it’s more whoever happens to be around them in daily life.

So, I want to share with you the importance of CREATING your tribe. Now I’m not saying that you should kick friends and family to the curb at all, but you should consciously choose a high – level tribe.

A high-level tribe is a small circle of people that strive for more. They’re positive, supportive, and they don’t gossip. They lift each other up and help you find solutions to your challenges.

When a high-level tribe is absent from your life, it affects you on many levels including ways you may not even realize. In order to operate at your highest vibration and achieve the most in life, you MUST have a high-level tribe.

And that’s exactly what I’ve created here at Full Circle Coaching. So, if you or someone you know is struggling on any level personally, we invite you or them into our high-level tribe. We don’t judge, gossip, or criticize. We empower, love, and energize each other.

If this is something you know you need in your life, simply hit reply and share your thoughts. We’re here to support however we can, even if it’s just lending an ear.

Wishing You Well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie

I invite you to link here and schedule a call with me today or,
text me at 786-586-6057 to request an appointment.

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997 and is currently taking a recovery year after two consecutive years racing at Long and Short Course World Championships.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

No Pain, No Gain is Not What You Think It Is

Pain is your friend and a personal guide to listen to and you need to listen to it just as you would listen to a person who is a friend.  It communicates with you, it can help you in many ways.

The term “No Pain, No Gain” is a term that gets misused a lot.  Yes, it’s true that to get stronger and faster you may have to push through some discomfort or pain to go beyond what you thought was possible for yourself.  In fact, there is an awesome book called “How Bad Do You Want It” where the author sites that in scientific studies with athletes pushing hard in a sports event, the brain signals to back off because of pain or discomfort but in reality the athlete can have as much as 40% more to give.

It’s important as an athlete to test your limits in a smart and safe way to get stronger and faster.  Where the “No Pain, No Gain” slogan does not work is when you feel like you may have an injury.  If your body is giving you pain signals that you may have hurt yourself, it really is NOT wise to push through and keep training.  This kind of pain is your body giving you feedback to pay attention to the problem.  If you listen and back off, tell your coach about it or get an evaluation from a physical therapist or other sports professional you can usually fix the issue rather than pushing through and ultimately making it worse.

I use a number scale for myself and my athletes.  You can have an injury and still train.  Doing nothing is actually really bad advice (more on that later)  The pain just needs to be a 5 or less on a 1-10 pain scale.  One, is zero pain, 10 is something is broken or torn.  With a five or less, you can do good pre-hab exercises and dynamic stretching and or foam rolling so you can still train.  If the pain gets higher than a five, you stop!  If it stays less than five, or ideally getting back to zero, you can keep training.  Stress plus rest equals growth…

Another book recommendation;
Peak Performance: 

Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997 and is currently taking a recovery year after two consecutive years racing at Long and Short Course World Championships.  She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Mom and much much more.

Coach Erinne
Full Circle Coaching
Where Performance Meets Balance

Got questions regarding triathlon?  Drop me an email to erinne@fullcirclecoaching.co or schedule a call at this link: http://www.scheduleyou.in/5ZIsVaU

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