Unravel The Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back

Unravel The Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back

Beliefs are just thoughts repeated, right? We’ve all heard that before or read it on a coffee mug or Pinterest board.

And it’s true. If you think you’re a smart, hard-working, good person – and then repeat that thought over and over — then you’re going to face the world with a positive attitude about yourself.

Unfortunately, it works the other way around too, as so many of us know. Have you ever thought any of these about yourself? And then repeated them, like, a million times until the thoughts become your beliefs?

I’ll always be too fat.

I’ll never make it.

Nothing ever goes my way.

I’m always injured

I’ll never be fast

I’ll never be good enough

These are highly common self-limiting beliefs. We all have some like them. Maybe they came from a childhood trauma or insult – and the wound caused us to repeat a thought so many times that now it seems like undisputed truth.

But it’s not. It’s just what you’ve been telling yourself about yourself.

The good news is this: You can change your self-beliefs by changing what you say about yourself!

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others. There will always be someone who seems to have more … or be more … or do more. Just be YOU.
  2. Notice what thoughts about yourself pop into your head. What are the circumstances? Are there any common threads? 
  3. Dig into your past to think about where they might’ve come from? I personally had a 3rd grade teacher bring me to the front of the class and show everyone how terrible my cutting skills with scissors were. Believe it or not that has stayed with me for decades! Despite all the many successes I have had in school and business. I keep a list of all my successes when I think I cannot do something I have the desire to do
  4. Next, try to turn around a negative thought. When you tell yourself that you’re not successful in life, think of something that you’ve done well – a new job, a relationship, good relationships with your family, etc. 
  5. Then say it out loud and repeat the thought over and over: “I’m smart and successful and often achieve my goals.”

This doesn’t have to take a long time to bring lasting change. It’s a form of self-care to grant yourself the empathy and support you would a friend.

We’re here to help you build new habits to turn those negative self-beliefs into empowering tales of your fabulousness. Let’s do it – together!

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program?
You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

Why Sleeping Better Is So Important

Why Sleeping Better Is So Important

Do you want to make a positive impact on your life every day (and night)?

To improve your mental and physical health, stress level, and even your skin?

Of course you do!

Everybody wants to sleep better – at least, once we’re past the age when we think it’s fun to burn the midnight oil with work or partying.

If you’re past that stage but never gave much thought to how you sleep, then stop right now.

“Sleep is as important for good health as diet and exercise,” the National Institutes of Health says. “Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health. Not getting enough quality sleep regularly raises the risk of many diseases and disorders. These range from heart disease and stroke to obesity and dementia.”

The agency says there are three aspects to sleep – how much you get; the quality of it; and having a consistent sleep schedule.

It’s so important because of all the work our brains and bodies get done when we sleep. It’s not just about “resting” for a while.

Sleep helps us learn, remember and create. It gives time to repair everything from blood vessels to the immune system.

Most adults need at least 7 hours a night. And, despite the popular myth, we can “catch up” on weekends. 

So, follow these no-nonsense tips to get more and better sleep.

  • Stick to a schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day.
  • Exercise every day.
  • Get natural sunlight – 30 minutes/ day is ideal
  • Avoid nicotine and caffeine, which are stimulants and stay in your body for hours.
  • Don’t drink or eat too much before bedtime.
  • Unplug from your devices a minimum of an hour before bedtime.
  • Keep your sleeping area cool, quiet and dark. Electrical tape over any lights.
  • Turn off Wifi in your house or apartment at night.

It’s the stuff that dreams – and so much more – are made of.

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program which includes so many more sleep hacks?
You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

Pre-Race Brick

Pre-Race Brick

When it’s race week, I highly suggest a taper.

A taper week means a reduction in volume and intensity of training and a focus on sleep, rest and recovery.

That does not mean do nothing, but keep all efforts less than 30 minutes with form focus and perhaps a few shorter 1-2 minute intervals.

After your easy 3-10 day taper depending on the length of your race, it is really important to do a short brick (swim, bike, run) the day before the race. I even recommend it on the morning of the race itself.

This doesn’t mean to go balls to the wall and waste all your energy.

Save it for the race.

The purpose of this pre-race brick is to remind your body of the intensity you will be performing during the race the next day or in a few minutes. Waking it up and shaking off the cobwebs after taking a few easy days to rest and recover.

You may feel all out of whack and sluggish doing it…
and the “I’m feeling like I am so DARN SLOW” or the “OMG I am not going to race well” thoughts are going to come out and play.

It’s normal for that to come up, but tell yourself afterwards that this is why you’re doing the brick.

Rehearse and visualize your race in your head and remind yourself that you trained for this and “YOU ARE SO READY” for this race tomorrow or in a little while.

It’s ok to not feel great today but tomorrow is the race when it counts.

Ideally, you’ll want to do a 10-15 minute swim, bike, run each with 4-6 x ONLY 1-2 minute over your race pace intervals, with 2-5 minutes easy recovery.

So…. save the power and speed for the race and BRAGGING rights of accomplishing whatever goals you set for yourself. Race day is always a great day if you chose to make it one!

Zoom Zoom!

Happy Racing

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program?
Want to learn more? You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

My New Relationship

My New Relationship

I’m excited to share about my new relationship.

I’ve actually known him for over a year but have not taken the time to truly get connected.

I was still really committed to 2 other relationships.

Despite hanging out a few times over the last year, this one was just too aggressive for me.

I was uncomfortable and did not have the time to commit to developing the relationship.

But all that has changed. I am ready for something new!

That’s not to say I will not be seeing my two other relationships occasionally!

I already know there is a lot of potential with this one, but it does take me some time to trust and fall in love!

But once I’m committed, I’m all in.
Let’s see if it will stand the test of time.

If you don’t know by now, I am talking about my BMC Time Machine triathlon bike.

HA HA!  Did I get you?

The other two relationships I mentioned above are my old 2013 BMC Tri bike which I absolutely LOVE and my Trek Road bike which I love too.

So, I wanted to share how I’m going to get to know this new super hot aggressive guy.

Easy Spins

I’m starting off with just a few easy spins; getting a feel for this new aggressive position in my aero bars. I’m much more aero dynamic on this bike which in the end can be faster but if my neck hurts too much I may have to get some risers for the aero-bars.

Bike Handling Drills

I’m also doing all my bike handling drills just like I did when I first started triathlon.

  • Riding with 1 hand for 10-15 seconds and switching so I am good with either one
  • Practicing sharp u-turns
  • Figure 8’s
  • Riding close to other cyclists and holding steady
  • Taking drinks from my water bottle holding a straight line and not wobbling all over the road.

Pedaling mechanics drills; both in and out of my aero position!

  • Single leg drills, 85 rpms and 65 rpms for 1 -2 minutes
  • Spin Ups
  • Shift Ups
  • Force Reps

These drills really help improve my connection to the bike and improve my pedaling mechanics so when I am ready to start doing testing and intervals I will have a great base of fitness and can really train smart.

I hope you enjoyed my little analogy.

I’m basically saying it takes time and practice to get connected to anything new even your bike!

So many of the athletes I work with have no connection to their bikes and wonder why they can’t go faster.

Besides a perfect bike fit (which we offer), these types of skills and drills workouts create a deeper connection between your body and the bike.

I have seen it time and time again after following my system for training on the bike,  power improves exponentially in short periods of time when there is a connection!

How deep is your connection to your bike? Looking for some guidance?

Set up your Triathlon Break through session here…..

See you on the road.

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program? We use mediation as a form of working IN to create energy to be able to train better, longer and stronger. Want to learn more?
You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

Drills, Drills, Drills…

Drills, Drills, Drills…

Why do you need to do your drills?

I promise it’s not to annoy you, although many athletes think so…

It is actually to program a new neuro pathway from your brain to your body to help you swim, pedal your bike or run with better form and efficiency.

What does that mean?

Your brain sends messages to your body to perform the movements of swimming biking and running. If you are doing it incorrectly over many days, months and years the pathway gets reinforced over time, even if it is inefficient.

I’ll use swimming as an example.

If you were never taught HOW to swim with proper form and technique, you find a way to move in the water that is most likely incorrect. The more you swim with incorrect form the more reinforced that neuro pathway is.

When you decide you want to get a video analysis from an experienced coach- they should point out what you are doing well and also what you need to do differently to improve performance.

The patterns you learned by winging it, now need to be unlearned. And new patterns created doing it the correct way.

But just telling or showing you what you are doing incorrectly is only the first in a multi step process to correct your inefficiency.

There are so many moving parts that go into swimming well.

So that is where drills can greatly speed up the process of reprogramming those movement patterns.

There is a catch.
You must do the drills correctly if you want them to help you perform better.

So many of my athletes skip over the drills when they get to a certain level of confidence and that is a HUGE mistake.

Drills performed correctly as a part of every single training session can greatly improve the speed at which you become more efficient and get faster.

Drills are created by taking a small section of each phase of the SWIM, BIKE OR RUN. For example, with the freestyle swim stroke (which has so many moving parts) the drills allow you to isolate them so you learn how to do it correctly without getting overwhelmed.

Drills need to be performed over and over and over to perfect them so that you can then know and feel where that move falls into place within the freestyle swim stroke.

It takes a trained eye and years of experience for coaches to be able to:

-Assess a swimmer correctly
-Isolate what they are doing well and what needs work
-And then teach them the drills to practice to correct their form and
-Finally put it all together!

I can say for 100 % certainty I have that skill and can help you identify your limiters and give you the drills to correct them, but YOU have to do the work, repeat the drill over and over and over to create the new neuro pathway in the brain and the body so the correct form is the default move!!!

So, if you want to improve your swimming, biking or running or any sport, you must do the drills and do them correctly over and over and over again.

Even the best athletes in the world are doing their drills on a daily basis to reinforce good technique!!

Happy drills training!

Want to see how we can improve your technique?
Reach out to learn more about our a 1-on-1 video analysis.

Save $50 off your next video analysis in person or virtually Space is limited.

CLICK HERE to secure your spot for a Swim Video Analysis now!

OR, Contact me now to schedule a call and I’ll save you a spot for a session!

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

Rockstar Triathlete: Camila Lupi has Fallen in Love!

Rockstar Triathlete: Camila Lupi

Coach’s Notes:

So incredibly proud of Camila over the last 6 months. She went from never completing a triathlon ever, to getting on the podium in two short course races and finishing top 10 in her age group last weekend at the Hawaii 70.3 as part of my Triathlon Transformation Training Program.

When she first started we had lots of skills and technique work to teach as well as strength, mobility and nutrition, to dial in for her best performances. Since Camila travels a lot, she had the foundation she needed to keep training with specificity despite not always being with the group in Miami.

Also the amount of fitness and strength gained at Ultimate Tri Camp in March was a game changer.

Way to go Camila! You are truly a Rockstar Triathlete. I cannot wait to see what’s next for you.




Active travel guide

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

I used to train with FCC a few years back for running only. From that experience, I knew how much Erinne and the coaches knew about the sport and really agreed with the way the coaching program focused on technique, form, and “training smarter, not harder.”

I didn’t know anything about triathlon when I decided to start, so I knew a coaching program that could get me into the sport properly and teach me how to train correctly and smartly was the best choice!

What is your “A” race for this season?

My “A” race was Hawaii Ironman 70.3 last weekend – figuring out what the next A race is.

Please share your BIG goals:

Get better, stronger, and faster in the sport of triathlon – break 6 hours for a 70.3 and do a full Ironman.

Tell me about your successes so far:

Just starting triathlon and racing have been huge successes for me. I did my first three races this year and placed very well in all of them, getting a podium spot on my first two.

My big goal was to complete an Ironman 70.3 and I just succeeded in crossing the finish line there!

I’ve improved in each of the three sports. “I’d say my biggest success is falling in love with the sport of triathlon” and truly wanting to turn it into a lifestyle.

What were some of your biggest improvements in performance for the each of the following? swim, bike, run, and nutrition/health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

I got better in all three sports.

I Improved my swim technique a ton and felt way more comfortable in the water.

On the bike, I’m slowly conquering my fear of descents after a bike crash last year, which helped me improve my speeds and times in races. I was able to average 20mph during my first olympic distance race that included the Key Biscayne bridge.

My run times improved. My first mile test back in December was 7:09. My mile a few months later at the beginning of April was 6:29. I was able to hold paces under 8:30 min/mile for sprint and olympic distance races.

I placed third female overall in my first ever triathlon (a sprint distance). I placed first in my age group on my first olympic distance triathlon. Most recently, I placed 10th in my age group in my first Ironman 70.3 in Hawaii.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

  1. People. Being around other inspiring and motivating triathletes. Hearing about their journeys, struggles, and successes. Having people to train with. Having people supporting you before and at races.
  2. Proper nutrition and strength training

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?

Chasing goals. I’ve been an athlete my entire life and there’s nothing like having a big goal and working hard until you reach it. Triathlon is one of the most, if not the most, challenging sports there is.

I love that I never get bored because I get to train three different sports. I love being around triathletes because we all just want to push ourselves to our limits and believe we can accomplish big goals.

The sport teaches me to never doubt myself. It has shown me what I’m capable of, physically yes, but more importantly, mentally.

I notice that I’m able to translate that into other areas of my life, chasing goals and believing in myself no matter what I set out to do.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

If you want to get into triathlon, have a big dream or goal you’re not sure you can reach, having coaches who know the right way to train and have years of experience in the sport, and having a support group and amazing community like Full Circle Coaching is the best way to do it. Give it a few weeks, maybe even days, and you won’t doubt your decision.

It’s a really inspiring group to be a part of and you’ll learn A LOT.

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation programs?

You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

Rockstar Triathlete Jacquelyn Schwartz says “Full Circle Coaching Chose Me!”

Rockstar Triathlete Jacquelyn Schwartz says “Full Circle Coaching Chose Me!”

Coach’s Notes:

What a journey the last 2 years has taken us on and the results speak for themselves!

I know the training and coaching program I offer here at Full Circle Coaching works, but to see it in action over the last 2 years up close with Coach Jac has been simply awesome.

Jac, is so dedicated and shows up week after week, even when it was different and not what she was used to. Doing less volume to now have more energy, to change the way you fuel the body and your lifestyle to support your racing and training goals is tough! I know I have challenged your beliefs about what is truly possible for yourself, but I hope you can see now that anything is possible and you are such a sexy Rockstar Triathlete!

I just want to say thank you so much for trusting the process, questioning everything and working together to get you where you are today! I could not be more proud of you!




Triathlon and strength and conditioning coach

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

I didn’t choose Full Circle, Full Circle chose me!
I did choose Full Circle to work as a coach after earning my master’s degree in Exercise Physiology. But Full Circle chose me, in the sense that I did not realize that by working with and being a part of the team I would be fully transformed as an athlete myself.

What is your “A” race for this season?

Sprint Draft Legal World Championships on June 25

Please share your BIG goals:

My “dream goal” race time for Worlds is to break 1:10. And is it crazy to say I want to place in the top 10, podium in my age group?!

Tell me about your successes so far:

On May 8, I competed in my second race of 2022;
The Girlz on Fire Sprint Triathlon in Clermont.
I finished in 2nd place overall, 34 seconds behind 1st place.
This was my first time on the podium in the overall category.
I also ran a personal record for my 5k, 23:10, off the bike!

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, and Nutrition/Health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

Swim– I have been a swimmer for 20 years, so this is my strength. But taking videos of my swimming form at the beginning of the year has helped identify weaknesses in my stroke that I have been improving with drills. Using the swim catch and pull resistance bands has also improved my strength in the water.

Bike– My most recent power test was an all time best, FTP of 210 Watts
Coach Erinne also taught me how to do a flying mount at Ultimate Tri Camp. I’m loving using my power meter to do my intervals and getting comfortable pushing harder on the bike.

Run– I also have been taking videos of my running form and have significantly improved my run cadence by having cadence as a visible field on my Garmin watch. It surprises me how strong I am on the run, and getting faster, because I definitely have never identified myself as a runner, and still don’t always enjoy it!

I have been running with Altra sneakers for almost 2 years pain free, and also doing my lower leg strengthening (I had constant ankle pain running for 3+ years before FC).

Nutrition– This has been a huge one for me in the past 4 months. Participating in the Nutrition Essentials course has helped encourage me to eat real (not processed) organic foods, no added sugar, and to add some supplements to my routine like CreO2 and PerfectAminos.
I sleep better and have lots of energy to train hard usually twice a day and focus at work. I feel and look sexy 😉

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

  1. Video analysis for form and technique correction, learning new skills
  2. The training program: swim, bike, and run field testing, believing in and giving energy to interval numbers for pace and power, and recovery
  3. Support and inspiration from the team of coaches and athletes

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?

The Full Circle tribe is a community I am grateful to be a part of.
Coaches and triathletes of all levels from beginner, to Ironman World Championship participants train together, support, teach, and learn from each other.
I am most excited to contribute and benefit from this community’s energy, inspiration, and motivation.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

Hop off the fence, join us, you won’t regret it! There is something in triathlon for everyone.
Whether you want to just be more active, be outside and enjoy nature more, or you do want to learn the skills and training philosophies to be competitive in racing, or anywhere in between, Full Circle Coaching is the perfect place for you.

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation programs?

You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! 

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

Overall a Really Good Experience; Rockstar Triathlete Wendy Whitlow

Overall a really good experience; Rockstar Triathlete Wendy Whitlow

Coach’s Notes:

Wendy, YOU DID IT, You’re a triathlete! As a total beginner Wendy is an awesome coachable athlete. Showing up to training and coach calls, taking notes asking questions, she was here for business.

She also had a lot of FEAR about what was possible for her.

As her coaches explained to her, skill and repetition yield confidence and motivation, with consistency you get better and better!

Such is the case with Wendy!

She mentions terrible results with regard to the amount of time parts of the race as compared with other athletes… but I want to remind you Wendy, this is a competition against yourself and seeing you come from zero to crossing the finish line was so sweet!

Please own that and never forget that you can do anything you set your mind to. Thanks for choosing Full Circle Coaching for your journey!




Training Manager at a call center

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

It has been on my bucket list to complete a triathlon for over 5 years. After successfully losing a significant amount of weight… 150 pounds to be exact, with my best friend’s encouragement, we agreed to seek professional training. Her research led us to FCC.

What is your “A” race for this season?

The Miami 305 Sprint TRI

Please share your BIG goals:

Honestly my biggest goal was to make it out of the swim without having to be pulled out.

And if I made it out, my other fear was conquering the Rickenbacker Causeway bridge. I had only done it once with Coach Jacqueline. Well twice over and back. I freaked out and walked my bike down the remaining way and she stayed by my side on the return. So my goal was to successfully complete without her or my best friend.

Tell me about your successes so far:

I made it out of the water and over the bridge. Times were terrible but my run was decent.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, and Nutrition/Health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

  1. Speed and run drills helped improve my running
  2. While I still have panic in the water, I have a better understanding of the mechanics and believe with practice I will only get better.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?

The ability to push myself beyond what my brain thinks I could accomplish and being around a community of other athletes that are so supportive.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

I say if you can afford the investment, it is worth it, especially if you live in the Miami area. I had hoped to spend more time training with others for the accountability. Virtual training is good if it’s what you have to work with but I like someone who can give immediate feedback or corrections. When alone I didn’t have that. Overall, a really great experience.

The group calls are great! I accomplished what I didn’t believe was possible. Especially with my swimming, learning to breathe properly is everything. I feel prepared and confident to complete a sprint distance triathlon!”

– Wendy Whitlow

Curious about Full Circle’s Beginner Triathlete Program?

You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of!

Use this link to learn about our 6 week program to get ready for the July 4th Integrity Multisport Sprint Triathlon

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

How do you know?

How do you know?

So many of my swimmers join my program and say
“Wow, I did not know, I didn’t know how to swim!”

So how do I evaluate if you can swim or not from a coach perspective ?

I assess you!
First with a swim test (if you have the endurance and fitness to do so).

Here’s the test:
After a short 10 min warm up in the water,
Swim a 400 (16 laps in a 25 meter or yard pool) for time
Rest 10 minutes
Swim a 200 for time

These numbers tell me what the focus of your swim training should be. Even if I don’t see you swim!

If your 400 is over 6 minutes or over 3 minutes for the 200
I know that technique work should be your focus.

I actually don’t recommend longer swims for swimmers in this situation, as I want them to focus on correcting bad form techniques, rather than reinforcing bad technique with longer swims!

How do I correct form?
2nd with a Video analysis.

The camera never lies!
And as humans our body awareness in the water is skewed because it’s not our natural habitat!

I like to see video of you swimming from each side for a full length of the pool, from the front and back, moving to and from the camera and underwater from the front and sides.

From there I can create a program of step by step exercises, drills and corrections to improve your swim!

Then it’s up to you to get in the water and do your homework!

It’s not a miracle solution; nothing will change unless you do the work. It’s not hard work;- it’s just time in the pool and on land!  Doing swim specific strength and stretch is essential to becoming a better swimmer
But the key is also going slow, being intentional with your movements in the water with the drills I prescribe.

Does it work? Hell yes!!
Every single one of my athletes just retested their 400 and 200 from earlier in the year and many are under that 6 and 3 min goal.
Others are getting closer!!

Want to learn more about your swimming…
Check out my open water swim clinic on June 4th / REGISTER HERE

It’s 3 hours of coached training in the open water with our coaches!
Plus, access to our online platform and video analysis.

Swim Essentials Open Water is for you if you want to:

Swim faster than you are now.

Conserve energy as you learn how to swim with less effort.

Understand exactly what you need to do with your head, hands, eyes, arms, body, legs and feet to be able to swim better.

Invest in quality time with coaches in and out of the water for 3 fun-filled hours of swim training.

End your struggle with swimming and learn to LOVE swimming in the water.

Eliminate anxiety and breathing problems in the water.

Learn how to train properly during and after this class is over.

Discounts on future swim coaching to guarantee and ensure success.

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Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.

“This has been a great year” Rockstar Triathlete: Enrique Raphael

Rockstar Triathlete: Enrique Raphael

Coach’s Notes:

Enrique’s journey has been truly inspirational!

Definitely not a straight shot to the top, with a hamstring injury and a twisted ankle, he now knows how to listen to his body and train in a way that allows him to keep improving race after race. Losing 20 lb’s is also an added bonus!

From his first time on the podium in short course racing last year, his success at Ultimate Tri Camp in March and now his very first 70.3.

Although the swim was cancelled he delivered exactly as was expected for the bike and run, averaging 21 MPH for the 56 bike and 10 min/ miles for the 13.1.

Congratulations Enrique… let’s get the sub 6 hour 70.3 in the books this year. You are a Rockstar Triathlete!


I will be 59 this year



Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?

I met Erinne few years ago and I did the Swim Essentials and it was a good experience, then last year I decided to take triathlon more seriously registering for the NYC triathlon and I contacted her again; we went over the six month Triathlon Transformation Program and I became part of the FCC Tribe!

It has been an incredible year and I culminated it with the 70.3 Gulf Coast this past weekend.

What is your “A” race for this season?

My “A” race was the 70.3 this past weekend; now I have to think about the next one; probably another 70.3 this year.

Please share your BIG goals:

After racing in Panama City, I am sure I can complete a 70.3 in less than 6 hours if I keep working and improving my technique and fitness; this is a sport of consistency and continuous learning!

Tell me about your successes so far:

This has been a great year; I was able to go from completing a Sprint Race back in May 2021 to the 70.3 last weekend.

Beyond the races I can say the major success is that I feel great, I am healthy and I am blessed with the life I have and the people I share it with.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, and Nutrition/Health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:

Now I feel very confident swimming long distances in open water, I believe I am stronger on the bike, I have improved my running technique a lot and I have made some changes to my nutrition and my lifestyle because of all that I have learned through the year.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:

  1. Being part of a team makes a big difference; besides all what we get from the coaches, everybody in the team adds value to your training with comments, recommendations, etc.
  2. Following a well designed program based on your capabilities and measuring your progress is key in improving your performance
  3. What we learn beyond the training: Nutrition, sleep, meditation, yoga, etc.; all are game changers!

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?

It is always something to learn, it is always a new challenge, It is always competing against yourself to be better, and despite being a one person sport, you are always surrounded and sharing with excellent people with the same kind of mentality and objectives.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program?

If you are committed to improving your health, your lifestyle and you are competitive, you are in the right place to join a great group of people thriving for the same.

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation or other programs?
You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.