Whats up Triathletes, as you know I love my essential oils. I also hate all the chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis. I always check out my products at a great website called www.EWG.org
This site will tell you how the products you are using rank from 1-5 on a scale of least to most toxic.
Toxins are added stressors on the body and who needs more stress; We already have work, life and training stress.
Check out the tips below to lessen your toxic load. If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, please attend one of my classes on August 20th (Link HERE) or comment below and I can have an individual wellness consult with you and how to use essential oils in your life!
Make over your Cleaning Cabinet
Many large companies launch “new and improved” cleaning products that claim to protect your family but what they neglect to inform you is that these common cleaning products are lathered with harmful chemicals that have the potential to do more damage than good.
Whether you clean your own home, have a housekeeper, or a combination of both, I am sure there are two things that bother you:
1. Filth
2. Chemicals
Unfortunately, most people are using common household cleaners like big-box store detergent, hand soap, and dish soap which are often filled with harmful ingredients that put you and your family at risk.
My goal is to introduce alternatives to some of the common products you use that are filled with harmful chemicals and ingredients. Oh and you don’t know where to get your oils I can help. I have a WEBSITE where you can order individual oils retail but I suggest becoming a member so you can get wholesale prices and free oils – reach out with any questions and I can help you.
Let’s discuss the MUST HAVE basics…
- BAKING SODA: Absorbs and eliminates odor. Use to clean counter-tops, sinks, and tubs. Sprinkle some baking soda on your carpet and vacuum after 15 minutes for a fresher look and feel.
- WHITE VINEGAR: Contains natural anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Cuts grease and dissolves mineral deposits.
- CASTILE SOAP: Lifts dirt, cuts grease, and eliminates tough stains. Pour a small amount over baking sheets and pans then scrub for a few minutes for clean, shiny results.
- SALT: Salt is an effective scouring agent. Pour salt mixed with hot water down the kitchen sink regularly to deodorize and keep grease from building up.
- dōTERRA® FRACTIONATED COCONUT OIL or OLIVE OIL: Great natural cleaner and polisher. Rub it into leather or polish wood surfaces.
-Wild Orange
-Douglas Fir
-Purify Cleansing Blend
-doTERRA On Guard® Protective Blend
-doTERRA On Guard® Cleaner Concentrate
Here are some fantastic DIY products derived from the oils above:
Multi-Purpose Cleaning Spray: In a large spray bottle, combine 2 cups of distilled water with 1/2 cup white vinegar and 10 drops Lemon (or any other citrus essential oil).
Freshen the air: Add 15 drops of Wild Orange and 15 drops of Peppermint to an 8 oz. glass spray bottle of distilled water.
Make It Sparkle: For sparkling clean sinks, tubs and counters, mix 5 drops of Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, or Wild Orange essential oils with baking soda and enough water to make a paste. Store cleanser in a covered glass jar because essential oils will break down plastic. Scoop out cleanser with your hand as needed, and scrub and wipe down as usual—a soft scrubbing brush works great!
Disinfectant: Add 4 drops of Eucalyptus, 4 drops of Lemon, and 2 drops of Bergamot essential oils to a 4 oz. spray bottle of distilled water. Use to disinfect hands, counters, doorknobs, toilet seats, etc. Shake well before each use.
Great Smelling Laundry: To disinfect, freshen laundry, and kill dust mites, add approximately 6 drops of Eucalyptus, Lemon or Purify oil to wash cycles. You can also put a few drops of essential oil on a clean, wet washrag or wool balls and add it to the dryer to lightly scent clothes. Make sure you are not using any toxic laundry soaps like tide or ALL- check out your brand at www.EWG.org to see how yours ranks in chemicals.
Clean your Toilet bowl: Sprinkle baking soda and 1-2 drops of Lemon essential oil into the toilet bowl. Spray down the toilet seat and bowl with Disinfecting & Sanitizing Spray. Clean and wipe down as usual.
Okay that is enough for now, but as you can see, there are plenty of ways to makeover your cleaning cabinet.
Are you excited about having other options besides toxins to clean your home? Let me know in the comments below!
Wishing you Well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie
email: erinne@fullcirclecoaching.com
PS- Remember I can help you detoxify body and home with essentials oils if you are interested. Joining an upcoming class or set up an in person or online wellness consult today. Text me at 786-586-6057.