I know! I’m now going to be stalked and killed for going against this big name in sports nutrition but I will let you decide for yourself. I am a fact finder and I look up ingredients if I don’t know what they are and if they are healthy or not.
I have a few resources including thefoodbabe.com, The www.chekinstitute.com and my favorite, a website called www.EWG.org to check my products and ingredients for the facts.
I encourage you to look on a bottle of Gatorade and then look up what the ingredients are. The dyes are known carcinogens and cause neuro-toxicity! Orange flavor Gatorade is made with brominated vegetable oil which is a known cancer causing agent. Why would I drink that?!
I recommend slower burning carbohydrate drink mixes. They range from potato or corn starch or coconut sugar if you are still a carbohydrate burner.
These are some of my suggestions for alternatives to Gatorade:
Organic Tribal Endurance by Natural Force – (My favorite) use the discount code ID-DSZ-705 for savings.
Ucan Super Starch use discount code FULLCIRCLE
And Race RX use FULLCIRCLE for savings.
Start making smarter choices for your sports drinks and stay away from the toxic sugar water!
Wishing you well,
Coach Erinne Guthrie
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