1. Jesse Jimenez

    Another great blog. And I just so happen am trying too fine tune my nutrition right now. I have as you know made some pretty good progress. I am maintaining a 173- 177 weight and getting steadily more fit. I really feel as if I were at 163-165 that would be overall better for me on the run and bike and just over all. After the last 10 mile run I weighed in at 171 and then by today I was 176. I’ve seen 168 a couple times recently. Just need a little help to hit the right numbers and stay on them. Hence the nutrition session deal. Maybe you can crack the code for me, I am struggling a little here.

  2. fullcircle

    Of course Jesse, that’s my specialty. Need that food log and we can tweak to help your body become more metabolically efficient with timing the foods correctly as well as improving quality of nutrient density. You have come so far though- please acknowledge yourself for all the great work you are doing. We will get there soon!

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