Meet Stephanie Prokup, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete
Age: 30
Profession: Speech Language Pathologist
Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey: After participating in my first Olympic (April 2016 St. Anthony’s), I decided to sign up for 70.3 Miami. I decided it was time to treat myself to a coach. I knew that being a newbie, I definitely needed
guidance in attempting a 70.3. I am so glad I took the plunge, it has been a wonderful experience. I found Full Circle Coaching on the 70.3 Miami page and felt that Erinne’s coaching style would be a
perfect match for me. I started working with coach Erinne in May of 2016.
What is your “A” race for this season? 70.3 Miami
Please share your BIG goals: Disney Marathon January 2017 & Ironman® Vineman July 29, 2017
Tell me about your successes so far: Since joining Full Circling Coaching, I have lost 12.8 pounds.
I have PR’d every race since joining Full Circle Coaching: 3 sprints and 1 Olympic. I also participated
in Erinne’s swim clinic and have improved a lot on my swim technique and pace.
What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following:
Swim: My swim technique and pace has greatly improved. When I started swimming in March of 2015, I swam at a 2:24 /100yds pace. I recently swam at a 1:49/100yds pace during Siesta Key MultiRace Sprint.
Bike: My bike speed has improved, I am averaging 18.0+/mph
Run: Form has improved, heart rate training has made a difference in how I feel during my run workouts.
Nutrition/Health: I have lost 12.8 pounds since joining Full Circle Coaching.
Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved: I am no longer swimming for survival! I have broke the 2:00/100 yds! Sprint PR From 1:33:29 to 1:29:14 and Olympic PR From 3:20:27 to 3:16:08.
Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey: Before joining Full Circle coaching, I had never ventured into heart rate training or even attempted intervals, tempo runs,
recovery runs, etc. I believe these things have made a big difference in performance and my workouts
in general. I used to go 100% during every bike workout previously and have learned that’s not
necessarily best practice!
What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon? The challenges that you put yourself through and the feeling of accomplishment after. Challenges can be so terrifying, but they bring out the best in yourself and are some of my greatest memories & motivators.
What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? Erinne, is such a great coach! She truly loves what she does. I used to feel awful after races:
headache, lethargic, would nap on and off all day after a race, and never left the couch. I just
completed Escape to Miami this past weekend and felt amazing. I was on the fence of joining a
training program because of thoughts like; “I’m slow, only fast people get coaches,” “Nobody is
going to want to coach me, I have no background in any of the disciplines,” or “I’m not good
enough.” I’m so glad I pushed those negative thoughts aside, because now I truly feel like a
Coach Erinne’s Notes:
As part of Full Circle’s VIP ONLINE Training Program, Stephanie has had some amazing results in only a short time. She is diligent in her training and logs every workout so we can evaluate the numbers together so she is understanding why she is holding a particular cadence and or heart rate. I am honored she chose me as her coach and so excited for the journey ahead to VineMan Ironman® in 2017. WAY TO GO Steph, you are truly a Rockstar Triathlete!!
P.S. This could be you! If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching check out our website www.fullcirclecoaching.co, or follow us on your favorite social media: