1. Mary Liz Olazabal

    It’s the hard core work that I don’t do. I know the things I don’t enjoy- the trainer is a good example. I know it will take me to the next level, but taking that first step- getting on for just 30 minutes, is the hard part. It was great to hear Andrea yesterday. She’s gained so much strength. That’s inspiring. When I feel better (right now I have flu like symptoms). I hope to write down 2-3 trainer workouts to get myself over the hump.

  2. Jesse Jimenez

    Great blog. Choices . Our decisions. Not always so simple. For me the right choice I know to be true is often not the easy choice. So far as my training goes I am getting it dialed in better mostly thanks to my great coach. So those decisions are getting easier. Just pay attention and do the work . Now for the more complex life stuff that still requires a lot of prayer and patience.

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