Don’t Think Twice: RockStar Triathlete Carolina Calderon


Meet Carolina Calderon, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete
Age: 42

Profession: Nuage Designs

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?  I met Erinne 3 years ago during a race clinic ( I was doing the swim part of a relay) and really liked her style of coaching. I had never done a full triathlon before. I was afraid of riding bikes so I really needed someone to guide me all the way.

What is your “A” race for this season?  Augusta 70.3- Sept 2016

Please share your BIG goals:  Be able to finish a 70.3 distance …. and I DID!!!!

Tell me about your successes so far:  The road to success started with my mind first, then my body. I had to switch to an “I CAN and I WILL” mindset first and overcome the fear of riding bikes. For me success was to learn how to ride a bike clipped in, and run more than 2 miles without stopping or walking.  Coach Erinne’s and her assistant cycling coach Dennis’ dedication are part of this success. I have to thank them for SOOOOO much. They really took me under their wings and pushed me always further than I ever thought possible.

What were some of your biggest improvements in performance for the each of the following?

More efficient and powerful without wasting so much energy. That is a work in progress but I have reduced my time in the 400 and 200 test by 1 minute each.


CONFIDENCE!!! I have gained confidence and that has helped me concentrate on my strength and speed. The Ultimate Triathlon Camp in Clermont really made a big difference!


I was able to run a 5k in just under 31 min. I have improved on my run form and endurance.

I have lost 12lb since December 2015 and feel stronger than ever.

Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:  Just finished my first 70.3 race!!!!
I also PR’d in my last 5K. I feel healthier and stronger.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:
* My fellow FCC athletes, without their friendship, encouraging words and positive attitude this journey would not have been possible at all.

* Coaches knowledge and dedication, knowing they are always there for me, always pushing my limits and showing me the right way of doing things.

* Attending the Ultimate Triathlon Camp in Clermont, FL. My bike skills improved from not knowing how to ride to be able to ride 50 miles on the rolling hills and keep up with the group.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?  That it has 3 disciplines, which makes it entertaining and more challenging. Every day is something different, it really excites me to see how my body adapts to changes.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? 

Don’t think twice…. The only risk you take is that you might never want to stop.

Coach Erinne’s Notes:

Carolina is a tried and true Rockstar Triathlete. She is a mom and wife and works hard at her job but still made the commitment to achieve her dreams of doing a 70.3. She did not believe that I could create a program that would fit into her life, but we did and she hit 80% of the training to accomplish this awesome goal. She overcame some major fears on the bike and worked through a few injuries to get to success. Super proud of you Carolina- this is not the end- only the beginning!! ROCK ON GIRL!!!!!!!!


P.S.  This could be you!  If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching check out our website, or follow us on your favorite social media:

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Life Savers- 6 Steps to Total Transformation

bookHow do we stay on course with training, family and work when so much of life gets in the way. If you really want to make triathlon training a part of your daily routine I have found an awesome resource from the book, The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod. It was a total game changer for me especially when I started getting busier and busier with my daughter, work and a few health setbacks. It’s an incredibly easy read and I listened to it in the car in a week on  I immediately started implementing the 6 Life S.A.V.E.R.S. Hal describes in the book. I have never accomplished so much in such a short time. Below is a recap of the book, but reading it will clarify a lot of details.  Hal also has a ton of resources on his website for free that you can download.

#1 Silence – Practice Silence Daily. The benefits of meditation are undeniable and scientifically proven. It really is simple and the benefits are tremendous. Improve concentration, immune function, reduce and manage stress. In as little as 2 min/ day but ideally 10-20 minutes you can have all of these benefits. I wake up and include it every morning and it completely sets up my day in the best way. Some Apps to try are Address Stress; Deepak Chopra 21 day meditation (Perfect Health is a favorite); Insight Timer, are just a few.  The Release Technique by Brendon Burchard is a very simple way to start. I also incorporate my breathing exercises while meditating, so I am actually improving lung capacity and CO2 tolerance at the same time. Try Box Breathing – inhale for 4-6 seconds, hold your breath 4-6 seconds, exhale 4-6 seconds and hold your breath out 4-6 seconds- keep repeating for as long as you have time.

#2 Affirmations – Say them OUT LOUD! When you say affirmations out loud you are literally reprogramming your brain’s subconscious or operating system. Use them for every area of your life. And say them every morning out load after your Silence.

Use this template: I am committed to (insert behavior or activity) so that I can (goal you wish to achieve) by (deadline you wish to achieve by). So, for example- I am committed to running 4 days/week, every week by the 30th of November using a speed work training program so that I can run a 23 minute 5k by August 1st, 2017. Or, I am committed to doing 5 minutes of yoga and box breathing every morning for 5 minutes by the end of the week. You get the idea. I include an affirmation for every aspect of my life: Spiritual, Relationships, Family, Business, Fitness, etc.

#3 Visualization – See your end result exactly how you want it to be. Tap into emotions, smells, physical feelings and visual displays of your exact outcome- this works for everything, not just sports! Make a vision board.

#4 Exercise – I would bet almost everyone reading this already exercises and knows the benefits. Something to consider is if you have a balance between working out and working in. Or applying an intention and or purpose for every training session. I find the more intentional I am in my training and recovery the better my results.

#5 Read – There are definitely times when I find it harder to read since I became a mom and entrepreneur, but with this becomes SO much easier. Every car drive I am listening to a book. I also listen to podcasts and videos as well. All count towards reading and learning and bettering yourself. If you commit to 5 pages every day, that adds up to 1,825 pages or over 9 books a year!

#6 Scribing or Journaling but the S is better on the end of the acronym SAVERS. It’s great to just record your thoughts every day. Some days I write longer than others. I can self -reflect and get thoughts out of my head. I usually write down all the things I am grateful for everyday. Even the struggles because this can allow you to accept things as they are and move through them. “I am so thankful and grateful for my foot injury because it has allowed me to slow down and appreciate when I am pain free, what could have caused the injury and how to get better”

Get the book today and start your transformation. It is absolutely amazing how well this works and you won’t be disappointed. Try the 30 day challenge at

Wishing You Well,

Coach Erinne

Remember to reply and comment below and share with anyone you think would like to read. Also feel free to email me at to ask me to write about anything triathlon or health and wellness related.

Thanks for reading!

Apply Lipstick – ROCKSTAR Triathlete Beda Molina

Meet Beda Molina, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete
Age: 50

Profession: Business owner

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey? I always thought, before I chose, that FCC had a more professional approach to coaching and that would help me become a better triathlete, I now know I was right.

What is your “A” race for this season? My “A” race for this season just took place in October, Ironman® Maryland.

Please share your BIG goals: My Big goals are to raise my children into good and happy citizens, grow old with my husband doing what we love and one of those things we love is training and racing.

Tell me about your successes so far:  Success so far, completing two full distance Ironman® races, several podium finishes in other races, in a 4 year period, with no athletic experience before in my life.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for each of the following?
First of all I’ve lowered my times on all three disciplines.

Swim: With my now improved technique, I’ve learned better sighting in open water and gained endurance, sometimes I feel I can swim all day.
Bike: I have improved in the use and selection of the proper gears. Also learned to turn safely and gotten stronger in climbing and in windy rides.
Run: I’ve improved my posture and proper warm up and stretching, which helps me deal with my sometimes “uncooperative” hamstring.  Also, I learned to run at a lower heart rate.
Nutrition/Health: I definitely eat better now than in the past. I was avoiding foods that were actually good for me.  Also, I’ve been introduced to foods I didn’t know before.

Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved: Earlier this season, I was able to podium in a very competitive race. Later, I finished an insanely tough Ironman® Maryland with floods on the run with a great time.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey: Group swimming class, nutrition and lower heart rate when running.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon? To me, training and competing in triathlon is similar to a big outdoor party, with nice people. Plus competition is always thrilling.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? I would definitely recommend FCC training programs and coaches. I went through a couple of different ones in past years and there’s no comparison, this is definitely the one for me.

Coach Erinne’s Notes:
Everyone who knows Beda knows she never stops smiling and dancing. I am super proud of her tenacity at completing IM MD a few weeks ago in terrible conditions where 30% of the field DNF’d (did not finish) and a large percentage didn’t even start. We were both a bit disappointed as she was going to PR by at least 2 hours under normal conditions but such is life. I have all my athletes write a pre-race plan to use like a road map for the days leading up to and during their races. Beda’s race plan was just perfect when she added that she would be applying fresh lipstick just before the finish line for the photos! I just love that! Way to go Beda, you are a true ROCKSTAR triathlete. Besitos!

P.S.  This could be you!  If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching check out our website, or follow us on your favorite social media:

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How to Take Minutes Off Your Triathlon Transition Time Instantly

It’s all about the socks

Socks or no socks???
I don’t recommend wearing socks for short course racing or training (sprints and Olympic distance triathlons) because it slows you down.

Not wearing socks can  save you tons of time in your transitions.  Putting dry socks on wet feet while balancing on one leg is no easy task, especially when your heart rate is at 160 or higher. So, why not learn to race with no socks. It’s simple really!

Powder and JellyMy trick to not wearing socks is using baby powder and some kind of non- petroleum type lubricant.

Put your run shoes on and walk/run for just five minutes.

Notice areas on your feet where you feel any chaffing or rubbing around your heel or anywhere on your foot.  That is the place you want to take your foot out of your shoe and add a little dollop of lubricant.  Then continue running for just five more minutes, then put socks on if you are running longer.

Watch How to Video Here

Next time you go running do the same as above but run for 10 minutes. Continue adding five minutes duration onto each run with no socks.  The baby powder helps absorb moisture in your shoe from the swim and or sweat. Using a squirt of baby powder in each shoe with a little lube on all the rubbing points will help you stay blister free and allow for a super quick transition. Of course make sure you are using Riplaces to make your transition even faster. Riplaces are elastic, no tie laces that allow you to slip your running shoe on like a slipper, no tying needed. Use fullcircle to receive a 10% discount on a great pair of laces.

Happy Transitioning!

Remember to comment if you liked this blog and or have any questions you’d like me to answer regarding triathlon training, racing or heath and wellness.

Wishing you Well,
Coach Erinne


ROCKSTAR Triathlete Daniel Kaminstein

Full Circle Online Coaching Rockstar Triathlete Success Story Daniel Kaminstein

 Daniel 1st place overall by 6 minutes at Hot Dam Olympic distance triathlon.

Meet Daniel Kaminstein, Full Circle Coaching Rockstar Triathlete
Age: 39

Profession: Emergency Medicine Physician

Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey? I was looking for a coach who would help me with more than just fitness goals. I liked the approach and attitude that FCC advertised. In addition the base of oppositions in Miami means that I can train in person once a year.

What is your “A” race for this season? Hot Dam Triathlon – Evans Georgia

Please share your BIG goals: Being a great father to my three children. Becoming a more well rounded triathlete. Becoming competitive on a national level in my age group.

Tell me about your successes so far: My kids love coming to watch me race and my oldest has already raced in two kids triathlons. Top two in my age group in every race this season. Several top 5 finishes overall. First overall by 6 minutes in my A race for this season.

What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for the each of the following?
Swim: Racing the swim rather then just using it as a warmup for the bike.
Bike: Using power to make major gains in speed.
Run: Stronger faster run off the bike
Nutrition/Health: Less carbs and more protein left me feeling much better during training and racing.

Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved: First overall in my “A” Olympic distance race.

Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey: Power Meter. High intensity training sets.

What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon? Getting to inspire my three boys to be active.

What would you say to another person who was on the fence about joining our training program? You can be a competitive triathlete without coaching but to really make significant advances you need someone on the outside who can give shape to your training and point you in the right direction.

Coach Erinne’s Notes:
As part of Full Circle’s  VIP ONLINE Training Program, Daniel has really rocked his 2016 tri season. He reached out after the Ride On Ryan Tri, not sure if coaching would benefit him since he already placed 3rd overall. He lives in Georgia so online coaching was our only option but as you can see from his amazing results the coaching still works. Being a doctor, having a wife and 3 small sons makes the efficiency of training even more important.  Learning to train with power and intervals was the key to improving his already impressive speed. I am super proud of his results and can’t wait to see what 2017 brings as he is racing National’s in August with a goal of qualifying for World’s. Thanks for trusting the process Daniel,  you are an awesome Rockstar Triathlete!!

P.S.  This could be you!  If you are interested in learning more about Full Circle Coaching check out our website, or follow us on your favorite social media:

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PLAN Your Race & RACE Your Plan

PLAN Your Race & RACE Your Plan

This coming week is about getting mentally and physically prepared for race day. 

Not much fitness can be gained between now and Race Day on Sunday. 

I encourage all my athletes to write out a race plan.  Starting from Saturday morning before the race, to the end of the race and even post-race recovery strategies. 

I ask them to include everything they plan to do to prepare for the race, what they will  eat, how much sleep and any other important details.  It is all written out in a positive light, especially the race itself. 

After you have written it out you can close your eyes and visualize the race scenario exactly as you want it to go many times before the race start.  By positive I mean like this:   “I will start off to the side of the main swim pack and duck dive under the waves, repeating my mantra (reach for the buoy).  I will sight every 5 strokes to stay on course. If I get out of breath I will roll over on my back to breath for 5 breaths and roll back to swim, kick and breath.” 

Avoid the negative thoughts by thinking “I won’t get a flat and I won’t walk.”  Instead say “I will run the entire portion of the run course” or “I will change my flat quickly if it happens.” 

If you don’t know how to change a flat, get to the bike store this week and ask them to show you. It is very easy.  Also, check your bike tires for any gashes that could potentially lead to a flat.

Join the Nutrition Reset Live on Triathlon Obsessed, April 25-28th. Click HERE to save your spot!!

Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program?
You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! Use this link to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session Now! WWW.SCHEDULEYOU.IN/5ZISVAU

Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid and much much more.