The Importance of Having a Coach at This Time of Year
Have you ever used a coach?
Some people use them in work to get to the next level (and we sometimes call those “mentors”).
Some use them in relationships to strengthen bonds.
Some use them in diet and exercise to guide them through challenging periods of change.
Some use them to learn a new sport or help them get faster in running or triathlon
And right now, at the start of the year, it is a challenging period of change for many people.
Face it, even if life is going along well, you can’t help but wonder how it can get better in the new year… or worry about where you might get tripped up.
If you want to be stronger and more effective – at anything – then you should consider hiring a coach to increase your odds of success.
Why? Here are just three reasons.
January and February always bring a ton of sheer pressure and hype that can trip you up. Resolutions, parties, projections… It can be so overwhelming! A coach helps you clear the nonsense and focus on what matters to you.
A coach brings a somewhat dispassionate voice that friends and family can’t. Sure, a coach “likes” you, and maybe you’re even friendly. But a good coach stays at a respectable distance so she can see what others can’t and say what others won’t.
A coach knows tricks you don’t know… like an accountant can do your taxes, and a mechanic can fix your car, right? A good coach uses her expertise to bring solutions and tactics to the table – resources YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT or, at least, how to use most effectively.
Don’t let the distractions and emotions of the season cloud your judgment. Use a coach to help you see clearly and act decisively.
You’ll be SO glad you did.
Do you know about my 16-week (virtual) training program to help you get faster for your next triathlon in less time?
You’ll show up confidently at the start of your next race, swimming, biking, and running past the competition, sprinting across the finish line with arms overhead, knowing you nailed it.
Here’s how it works You get the ideal blueprint that makes you faster and stronger inside the 16-week Triathlon Transformation Training program
Here’s why it’s different With 26 years of coaching 1000’s triathletes, I discovered the biggest struggles are:
You don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to learning the exact skills to be successful in the sport of triathlon.
Improving strength and increasing energy are the secrets to preventing injury and burnout.
Other programs push athletes beyond their ability with wasted junk miles and excess volume leading to disappointment and failure.
With my 16-week Triathlon Transformation Program, the focus is on you as an individual; your form, technique, strength, fueling, and mindset. Through video analysis, metabolic testing, holistic lifestyle coaching, and a supportive community, you will achieve all your triathlon dreams and goals to get faster in less time.
Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, and much more.
Starting something – ANYTHING – is often the most challenging part.
But if you can take action, one little first step, it gets easier.
This isn’t a self-help platitude. IT’S SCIENCE!
Remember Sir Isaac Newton? He said a body at rest tends to stay that way, and a body in motion will stay that way, too.
The point is, don’t feel bad about yourself because it’s sometimes hard to leave the house and go to the gym,……. or get on the bike……… or out the door for a run… start building a new healthy habit… or start doing anything you REALLY want to do but can’t seem to get motivated about.
I have been struggling with this myself this year.
The solution is often to take one small step. Just one. If you want to go work out, then please, start by putting on your gym clothes and your sneakers.
Tell yourself that’s all you must do: Just get dressed for the run, gym, etc.
Then what?
Well, shoot. Now you’re dressed; you might as well go out the door, right? And then what are you going to do except start running… See what I’m doing here?
Seriously! It’s a simple mind trick that works wonders. It’s like how a recovering alcoholic tells herself she just has to go one day at a time without drinking – even though she knows full well that she can’t ever do it again.
I started this year with walks and weights. Then walk/run and a bike ride.
I went from training 1x/ week to now up to 4-5x, and I can tell you it feels so good to be back, and my body wants more!
Little bites are so much more digestible than giant ones!
One action leads to another… causing momentum… and so on…
And if you need support getting started, I’m here for it…
Do you know about my 16-week (virtual) training program to help you get faster for your next triathlon in less time?
You’ll show up confidently at the start of your next race, swimming, biking, and running past the competition, sprinting across the finish line with arms overhead, knowing you nailed it.
Here’s how it works You get the ideal blueprint that makes you faster and stronger inside the 16-week Triathlon Transformation Training program
Here’s why it’s different With 26 years of coaching 1000’s triathletes, I discovered the biggest struggles are:
You don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to learning the exact skills to be successful in the sport of triathlon.
Improving strength and increasing energy are the secrets to preventing injury and burnout.
Other programs push athletes beyond their actual ability with wasted junk miles and excess volume leading to disappointment and failure.
With my 16-week Triathlon Transformation Program, the focus is on you as an individual; your form, technique, strength, fueling, and mindset. Through video analysis, metabolic testing, holistic lifestyle coaching, and a supportive community, you will achieve all your triathlon dreams and goals to get faster in less time.
I’m only accepting five new members, so space is limited. Don’t delay your dreams another day!
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Coach Erinne Guthrie
Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.
My favorite: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
And this is never more powerful to remember at a turning point, like the start of a new year, when we look forward with hope, excitement, and – yes – sometimes even fear.
It’s OK to be afraid. Just remember that it can’t stop you from doing what you need to do. And the key to overcoming that fear isn’t to wait for it to go away.
The key is to decide on the next right thing to do, acknowledge the fear, and then do the right thing anyway.
Your self-belief must be strong enough to propel you past the doubt. Call it faith if you want to – in yourself or something more powerful.
But hold onto that belief during the tough times because this committed mindset and bravery will be tested repeatedly.
Can I have the healthy life I want?
Can I be the kind of partner/parent/friend/employee I aspire to be?
Can I love myself and those around me every day, even when it’s hard?
Can I do something as big as a triathlon or Ironman?
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t… YOU’RE RIGHT.
Resolve to make a positive choice. To believe in yourself.
Are you interested in learning how I can help you with your health, wellness, and triathlon goals?
Erinne Guthrie, a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, and much more.
Every January, millions of people make promises to themselves in New Year’s Resolutions.
“This is the year I finally get in shape!”
“This is the year I will do a triathlon.”
“This is the year I lose the weight!”
“This is the year I start my business!”
And then, by February, the vast majority have failed already.
Let’s talk about why.
If we discuss a few common reasons why well-intentioned resolutions fail so often, then maybe we can find a better way to reach the desired end.
They’re too vague. Instead of saying, “I want to get in shape,” say you’re going to spend 15 minutes walking around the neighborhood twice a week. (Don’t worry – it will lead to more.)
Don’t be so demanding of yourself. Realize that the best change is gradual.
Choose to do something positive that you enjoy, and then you won’t have to force yourself to do it every day.
You don’t track your progress. If you want to eat better, download an app to record what you eat every day. If you want to slim down, take a photo of yourself each week so you can see that, despite how you might feel, you really are making progress.
You don’t know your “why.” If you don’t have a compelling reason for doing what you’re doing, it’s bound to fail.
There’s no date set to accomplish the goal. Set a date and create a mantra around it. “It is March 30th, and I completed a triathlon and feel stronger and healthier than ever” repeat it often!
Follow a proven system. Surround yourself with others on the same journey, and hire a coach if you need help.
The key is to examine your desire a little more deeply, and then take little, bite-sized actions each day to get started.
As they say, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” And is followed by another… and another…
The feedback was excellent. Please use it to help create a true vision for 2023. It will only be available this week, so don’t delay!
Need some help in creating your version of your best life? Click this link: to schedule your FREE Triathlon Breakthrough Session and let’s do it together!
Erinne Guthrie is a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. She has been training, racing and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom and much much more.
Eat a live frog first thing every morning; then, you can face the day knowing the worst is behind you.
So goes a theory about how to stop procrastinating made popular by author Brian Tracy.
He says “eating a frog” is like tackling your most difficult task first thing each day – which is also the one that can do the most for you.
Now, no one is actually suggesting you eat a frog – live or otherwise!
But I bet you have an unpleasant chore you’ve been putting off… and putting off…
That’s been bugging you, distracting you, and making you feel like an irresponsible procrastinator.
So, why not do it today? Right now.
Just imagine how much clearer your mind will be when “It” is finally off your plate. Imagine the brain power you can now devote to other things you’ll enjoy more.
It’s just a matter of making priorities and decisions and then having the determination and discipline to follow through on them. Like everything that’s hard at first, it gets easier each time you do it – and experience the reward.
If you are getting started on your nutrition and triathlon training, my 21-day get Faster Challenge starts on December 1st Thursday. Today is the last day to join.
I will teach you how to eat that frog of putting your health and lifestyle first for 21 days!
Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.
Busy Dad becomes first time Ironman in 12:10 with only 14 weeks of training; Rockstar Triathlete Carlos Guadamuz
Coach’s Notes:
Thank you, Carlos, for trusting the process of my 16-week Triathlon Transformation training program. You are proof that it works and achieved the goal in 14 weeks instead of 16. I truly appreciate your dedication to your goals and how you managed all the training while working full-time, getting to the kid’s soccer games, and balancing life with your supportive wife! You, indeed, are a Rockstar Triathlete!
Product Management – I create, build, and market products. Mainly techy ones 🙂
Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?
I wanted to compete in my first Ironman, and I felt I needed coaching for a race as big and complex as the Ironman.
I did my first 70.3 last December 2021 with zero coaching, and although I didn’t have a bad time, I didn’t feel I was at my full potential and the experience was a bit painful.
So, rather than a feeling of accomplishment when I finish it, I had a lot of doubts and “what ifs” in my head. In my own view, the best way to prove myself that I am better than that was to finish a full Ironman. However, this time around I was going to do it with a coach.
I saw coach Erinne giving the pre-race clinic at Miami-Man 2021 and liked everything she said. I also saw her on race day surrounded by her team, all wearing the same colors, which made me appreciate from afar the team spirit and the confidence of having a coach. That positive image stayed in my mind when it was time to choose a coach.
What is your “A” race for this season?
My A-race was Ironman Florida, 2022, because it was my first Ironman. However, the Key Biscayne triathlon last September (international distance) was also a good race because it gave me, entirely unexpectedly, my first podium.
Ironman Florida was a significant achievement because it gave me a lot of “firsts;” my first ever Ironman, my first ever 112-mile ride, and my first ever marathon. To me, it was also an important achievement because I am quite new to triathlons. My first ever triathlon race was MiamiMan, less than a year ago, and my longest triathlon was Ironman 70.3 FL, in December last year (11 months ago). I actually rode a road bike for the first time only 18 months ago and bought my first triathlon bike in May (less than 6 months ago). My only advantage was swimming, as I have swum since I was little, with my first open water competition at the age of 10.
Also, Ironman Florida was a big achievement for me, not only because of those new challenges but also because I only had 14 weeks to go when I started training with Full Circle.
The Key Biscayne International distance triathlon was a total surprise in terms of the result.
I had a 9hr super day the weekend before and another long brick the day before. So, the complete opposite to going into the race fresh. I was actually tired on race day.
However, the objective was exactly that, to test me under those conditions. Also, to practice before Ironman all the elements of a race, mainly building and following a race plan. My plan demanded a fast pace, which I was doubting I could follow. However, I stayed on it during the race and it delivered a category second place. It was a good lesson I was going to take to Ironman Florida.
Please share your BIG goals:
My goals were all based on Ironman FL and they were growing as I kept training. My initial goal was just to finish the Ironman because I was truly uncertain if I could do it.
Then, the goal was to finish it with zero walking during the run (which is something I did at the end of my 70.3).
Then it was the time, initially, it was based on the rule of thumb of doubling my 70.3 times and adding 1hr – I finished the 70.3 in 6:06 so the expected time was 13:12. As I was getting closer to the race I had to build a race plan, which estimated my finish time at 12:25
In the end, I finished with an Ironman time of 12:10, which beat my race plan estimate and was lower than twice my 70.3 time. Not only did I not walk but I achieved a negative split, running my fastest pace at the last 6 miles.
I felt so strong and determined that I didn’t need to stop at aid stations from mile 23rd onward.
Tell me about your successes so far:
I believe the results reflect the training. So, in my view, a key success was to be able to complete and follow all my training as was written by coach Erinne.
I never missed a single long-distance ride, run, or swim.
It was a big success not only because most of the last sessions I broke personal records in terms of distance and time – like my first ever 100-mile ride or my first 20-mile run.
But also because I was able to achieve those without injuries or extreme fatigue. That was a key success for me because it was one of my major fears. Especially after experiencing injuries in the past that made me stop training altogether.
I believe that completing successfully all the training was possible due to different elements.
First, the training plan, which had a progressive approach, included recovery sessions (stretches, foam rolling, etc.), and strength sessions and allowed for resting or down periods. Also, the focus on good technique reduced the injury risk. And then the personal guidance and experience from the coach helped alleviate specific muscle pains when they surfaced, providing tips on technique, and instructing focused strength and stretching exercises.
What were some of your biggest improvements in performance for each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, and Nutrition/Health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:
Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:
1. The Running – based on my 70.3 experience and previous injuries, I considered it my weakest link. However, I surprised myself with my Ironman run.
2. Nutrition – It was the biggest eye-opener for me. I went from just basically drinking water and eating a couple of gels, to building a race plan with calories, carbs, and electrolytes per hour.
3. Training Capacity – I wasn’t sure I was going to complete what I saw in Training Peaks, but I did it all
4. Technique – overall improvement especially on the run but even on the swim which was my strongest sport.
What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?
For sure the example I am giving my kids. Which I am fully convinced is the best way to lead.
The best way to explain this is through an experience with my older boy. He was nine when I finished my 70.3 and not long after that, he came to me with a website showing a triathlon race for kids and asking me to register him. We started training for two months with very little pushing from my side. He got a good result and we all felt very proud of his achievement.
What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our training program?
As I mentioned before it was the team spirit that caught my initial attention. Full Circle has been able to build a community of people with the same passion, where everybody can help and encourage someone with a question or moment of doubt. I also learned so many things that were crucial to finish my first Ironman, like technique, training methods, nutrition, and overall wellness.
Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.
As fall heads toward winter this month, you might find yourself wanting to change your goals with the seasons.
It’s only natural.
The days grow shorter. The air has more of a chill. It might even snow where you live.
But don’t let the change of seasons change your goals. That’s a slippery slope at any time of year, regardless of the temperature.
Your goals are based on year-round values and desires, not ideas that rise and fall with the thermometer.
Now, this doesn’t mean we can’t change our TACTICS for reaching goals. By that, I mean, we can exercise indoors more when it’s cold out, or be more mindful of how much time we’re spending bundled up on the couch.
But the REASONS for adopting the tactics and strategies you’ve chosen? Well, those remain the same. And so should your intentions.
Remember, we reach our healthy living goals not quickly, but over time – by making consistent, steady efforts. We’re talking about HOW WE CHOOSE TO LIVE, not just what we’re going to do right now.
Take comfort and inspiration from the changing seasons. They’re powerful, natural, and consistent, and lead every year to the next step.
So, welcome the winter – and keep your eyes on the prize.
Ready to find out if my program is right for you? Fill out my FREE Triathlon Transformation application HERE
Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.
Set Yourself Up to Succeed in the New Year Starting Now
The problem with most “New Year’s Resolution” style goals is that we wait until January 1 to start them, and bolt off the starting line… until we collapse in exhaustion a few weeks into January.
This year, start warming up TODAY for January 1. Follow this step-by-step process to form goals and act on them now, so you can sail into the new year with a month or two of success under your belt.
Think of “goals” in addition to “resolutions.” There’s so much stigma associated with New Year’s Resolutions because most of them fail – quickly. A goal is more resonant, has more weight, and isn’t something you think about only once a year. Still, research suggests that people who state a New Year’s Resolution are more likely to achieve it than those who avoid the word altogether.
Use the time between now and January to practice and discover. You say you want to eat more fruits and vegetables, maybe? Great! You have weeks now to try different types of produce, play with recipes, and experiment with meal prep.
Start workouts now so that it doesn’t feel like such a shocking change to your routine in January. Think of it as a weeks-long warmup or “soft launch” or dress rehearsal. By the time 2023 starts, you’ll be over the jitters, familiar with the location, and ready to really get started.
Mentally prepare for the challenge of your resolution or goal. Think about what you set out to do in previous years. Where were your struggles? What came easily? Stay positive in your mindset, and think about gradual change, not overnight transformations.
Remember to be SMART. Choose goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Sensitive.
These steps will help you slide into the new year full of confidence and determination to succeed in 2023. There’s no time like today to start planning for tomorrow!
Ready to start this now? Please fill out my Triathlon Transformation application which covers everything mentioned above, and set up your GOALS for a triathlon! Let’s Go!
Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.
This is an important reminder about what to think about when struggling with feelings, mindset, and ambitions.
Let’s say you feel down because it seems like you’re not progressing.
You think you’re pathetic and might as well give up because you’re not getting anywhere. You’ve had a few setbacks, injuries, work projects, and life emergencies.
Now, replace all those bad negative feelings with simple facts.
Like this one: You’ve lost 10 pounds since you started eating right.
And this one: You now easily jog 2 miles when before you could barely make it around the block,
or this one: I missed my target goal time for a race, but I took 10 minutes off,
and this one: I did not know how to swim, and I had just completed my first open-water swim, which was terrific.
Get the picture?
This is why it’s important to set MEASURABLE goals. And to record your progress regularly. Because it’s so easy to lose sight of that progress and to let your worries take you down a dark – AND FACTUALLY INCORRECT – path.
We include this as a part of my training program with regular assessments, testing, and video analysis so my athletes have actual PROOF of their improvements.
Think you’re not doing so well?
Ask yourself, “Is that really true?” and 99.9% of the time, it is not!
Sometimes you must forget what you think. What do you KNOW?
Take out your phone or piece of paper and write down a list of all your successes based on facts, not thoughts.
Print out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself daily of all the things you have already accomplished in life that are awesome.
Then question your current thoughts and remind yourself of the truth!
Ready to find out if My program is right for you? Please fill out my FREE application HERE
I look forward to learning more about you!
Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.
Mary Liz started with me four years ago after getting injured by pushing too fast too soon on her own.
We got right to work on her evaluations for the swim, bike, strength and mobility. She kept improving across the board.
It was a long road back to running, but we improved her race skills with Aquabikes along the way.
Mainly a short course athlete I was excited to hear that Mary Liz was ready to go long after really dialing in her strength and speed in short course triathlon- getting on the podium many times.
Her race execution was pretty much flawless, and because she put in the training beforehand and had done all those sprints and Olympics- she had a stellar race. She also understands the conept of pacing the race which allowed her to obliterate her goal time.
Her goal time was 6:37 and she blew that away with a 6:11!
So proud of you, Mary Liz!!! Thanks so much for trusting me with your journey. I can’t wait to see what’s next for you!
5th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Why you chose FCC to help you on your triathlon/health and wellness journey?
I have been with Full Circle for four years. I love training outdoors and taking advantage of the great Miami weather and the beautiful views, especially the sunrises over the bay.
I also love training in a group. The camaraderie makes tough workouts much more fun.
Erinne is knowledgeable not only about the three disciplines, run, bike, and swim, but also about nutrition, strength, mindset, and recovery. It’s the whole deal. I often grow bored with my exercise routine, but triathlon gives me options.
Focusing on an event in one area, like the 8-mile swim for Alligator Lighthouse or a half marathon, allows me to change up my training and keeps me interested.
What is your “A” race for this season?
I just completed North Carolina 70.3. Only two months before the race, I signed up. I had been eyeing this race for years. It had many features that made it seem like a perfect first race for me.
My fitness on the bike improved over the summer. My long run was up to 6 miles. And swimming, well, I can’t say I’ve made significant improvements, but at least I’ve learned to manage my fear of swimming.
My goal was to complete the race. But 56 miles on the bike was still a long ride for me. I couldn’t imagine running a half marathon afterward.
When I filled out my TriCalc, I came up with a time of 6:37. That seemed ridiculous. My real hope was to enjoy the race. I feared this being a one-and-done race. So, the day was beautiful, and I just tried to enjoy myself and hold back to finish the race strong. Fresh on the bike, my power was high, and I had to tell myself to cool it. My heart rate stayed in zone 2 the entire ride. When I headed out of T2 to begin the run, I felt great, but again I told myself to hold back. By the time I got to miles 10 – 13, I felt great and could pour it on. The whole race felt better than any race I’ve completed. I had fun.
Please share your BIG goals:
My BIG goal this year was to become more adept at using numbers to guide my training. This race has been on my vision board for a few years running. I was heading to having this year go by with little progress on this front until I signed up for North Carolina 70.3. This race required me to figure things out. I wasn’t always able to hit my numbers. I was rarely able to hit my numbers during the training, but I was certainly aware of what they were and that I was not quite hitting them. That was a big step.
Tell me about your successes so far:
Being able to run and increase my mileage has been my biggest success and one of my greatest sources of happiness. For years I competed in the Aquabike. But I never felt like a true triathlete. Then, last December, I raced in my first Sprint Triathlon in years. This was huge. I love the Sunday low heart rate long runs. I love track practice. And I no longer suffer for days after these long hard workouts.
What were some of your biggest Improvements in performance for each of the following? Swim, Bike, Run, and Nutrition/Health. Please include any Personal Records and Goals achieved:
1. I learned not to fear the swim.
2. I’ve become somewhat stronger on the bike, but I still have much to learn. I need Bike Essentials!!
3. I’m able to run. That’s an improvement.
4. I’ve learned to fuel my workouts and make time for recovery
5. Lastly, I’ve learned that strength training is critical regarding feeling better across all three disciplines and my energy level. While it’s hard to fit in, it greatly impacts my energy.
Name 2 or 3 things that have made the biggest difference in your journey:
1. I learned that I’m able to do hard things. Even when a workout seemed impossible, and as I trained for the 70.3, many workouts seemed near impossible, I had to tell myself to get it done. I trusted the process and did the work. 2. Fueling my workouts was important. Before training for North Carolina, I often showed up for workouts having taken aminos and a cup of coffee. Having a hard-boiled egg and avocado or half of a banana and almond butter became my new pre-workout breakfast. 3. Recovery was key for me. There were workouts in TP every day, and I tried to do everything, but I knew I could not work out every day. So instead, I would double up on a day to give myself a day off. For Wednesday’s swim, I would often move to Thursday so I could have a midweek break. This worked for me and helped me gear up for the tough Thursday – Sunday training. I also became even more religious about getting to bed early and incorporated yoga, stretching, and Jeff’s massages regularly. This made a big difference in my mobility and my ability to put in the work.
What excites you the most about being involved in triathlon?
I love the community. I love the variety of events open to me. I love how I feel when I achieve my goals.
What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our training program?
You can do so much more than you think you can. Give it a try.
Curious about Full Circle’s Triathlon Transformation program? You too can become the triathlete you always dreamed of! APPLY Here!
Erinne Guthrie has been a USA Triathlon Level II Certified Coach since 1999 and Chief Motivating Officer at Full Circle Coaching, LLC since 2010. Creator of Triathlon Transformation. She has been training, racing, and coaching triathletes since 1997. She is also a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, USMS Master’s Swim Coach, Motivational Speaker, Metabolic Efficiency Specialist, Mom, Mermaid, and much more.
Maximize your speed with ZERO Training
"11 Ways to Get Faster at Triathlon Now,"
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